It's Amazing, Yet Scary

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Love is something amazing. It isn't always expected, but that's the best thing about it. It come's in many different colors, shapes, genders, sizes, etc. You can love someone no matter who they are or what they are, love is love and you can't tell your heart how to feel.

Love is putting your all into someone and hoping that they won't hurt you. Your brain and your heart are two very different things, and you sometimes have to make a choice between the two. You have to choose whether to love someone and stay with them, even if that means taking the risk of you getting hurt, or leaving and dealing with all of the hurt now verses later. 

Love isn't always the hugs and kisses, dates, sweet messages, etc. some love hurts you, and leaves you in a dark place wondering whether you should just give up. You spend hours thinking about what you should do, and if you leave you may have just lost the love of your life, but if you stay you may regret it and it may hurt you in the long run.

Love is risking it all for someone because you feel like they are worth it. You staying up at night thinking about them, there voice stuck in your head and wishing they were there with you. Thinking about every one of there features and it's like your under a spell or something. You sit there and think about there smile, laugh, eyes, everything and you think that's what you want. You sit there and realize you're in love with that person and sometimes you realize after it's to late. 

You realize that you would do anything to keep that person happy, and to make sure that you are never the cause of their sadness because that will break you inside. You realize that seeing them with someone else kills you inside and even though you know there's a possibility of getting hurt, you are willing to take that chance because you love that person and sometimes taking that risk is better then the "what if's". 

Risking it all for love is scary, but if you're truly in love with that person that risk isn't near as scary as the thought of losing them. 

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