Nila Meets MON

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"After Nila woke up and just when he was about to make some breakfast,he got a call from Ms Smith and he answers it."

Nila: Hello?

Ms Smith: Hello Nila,How are you today?

Nila: I'm doing good thanks for asking so what's up?

Ms Smith: Well I wanted you to meet the MON now that you accept the offer from Yesterday

Nila: Oh okay then where and When do you want me to meet them?

Ms Smith: At the Park at the Afternoon

Nila: Alright then
*I hang up as I resume my morning with a Good Balance Breakfast*

"Later at the park Zombina,Doppel,Tio and Manako waiting for Smith's "Special" Guest as Zombina groans in boredom and from impatience as well."

Zombina: So where is this Special Guest Smith told us about?

Doppel: Patience Zombina....I'm sure they'll come Smith said this person is gonna make our jaw drop

???: Indeed i will

"The girls Turned around and looked up to see Nila as their jaws did drop especially Zombina as it fell to the ground and Nila pick it and reattached it back on."

Zombina: So You're the Special guest?

Nila: Indeed I'm Nila the Angel

Manako: I've never seen a Angel Species especially Male you must be very rare or the last of your kind

Nila: Technically i was human once before turning into a Angel but yeah you could say that mind if I ask your name?

Manako: Oh I'm Manako
Zombina: I'm Zombina Nice to meet you
Doppel: I'm Doppel and this Horned Giant Orge is Tio
Tio: Hi ^^

Nila: It's a pleasure to meet you all

Zombina: So you're the newest teammate we could use Demihuman to deal both humans and monsters.

Nila: Yes I am and I hope we all can get along well but one question
*i looked at Doppel*
Why is she naked?

Doppel: I just don't like wearing clothes okay

Nila: Well your long hair is covering your lady parts so I guess it's fine now
Maybe I can buy you girls some ice cream as a treat keep you all waiting in the sun
*i head to the ice cream Stand as Doppel and Manako begins to develop feelings for him*

"Later,Me and the Girls were walking as we were chatting about their duties and what's Smith like and from my hearing,Smith sounds kinda lazy and irresponsible but she does a good job at her job though they get plenty of least I'm not in their shoes or feet in Doppel case cause she's barefooted."

Nila: Well it was nice to meet you all I best get back home

Zombina: It's good to meet you,Nila

"Tio hugs me as my face is buried within her massive boobs,it was fine first though I begin to lose air as she hugs me more as I begin flapping my wings violently as The Girls tries to stop but his wings went down as Tio gasped and let me go as I was unconscious and I need CPR. So Doppel volunteered as she opened my mouth as she performed it as I felt her tongue in my mouth as she wasn't just giving me CPR but she was kissing me as well and it wasn't long before my heart starts beating as I woke up shocked."

Nila: Oh my the light flashes right before my eyes I thought I was gonna die but I thank you Doppel

Zombina: I would have done it

Nila: The one thing I need is my breath smelling like the undead and taste of the dead in my mouth after a Zombie gives me CPR

"Zombina pouted after I said that,and so I waved goodbye to them as I fly off to Kimihito's house."

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