Do I Care?

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Time had passed rather quickly. We read together, ate together, laughed even. The fearsome beast had grown to be a teddy bear almost. I learned that he was human but cursed to be a beast til he found true love.
It was strange, having feelings for, well, what appeared to be an animal. Knowing he was human made it easier, though. He showed me sides of him no one had seen for ages. He was sentimental, sweet, caring, and beautiful.
"What are you staring at?" he laughed. I stirred from my thoughts.
"N-Nothing. Sorry." I laughed and cleared my throat.
"Do you like dancing?" he sighed.
"Yes, actually. Why?"
"Lets dance. Tonight. Well have a ball!"
Laughter filled the room. We smiled and nodded in agreement.
That evening I was getting ready for the ball. I didn't know what to wear but I had help. A beautiful yellow suit of the finest, softest materials laid upon my skin. I suddenly felt...home. I had never fit in with the town. I'd always been an outcast. Here, they didnt care. For the first time I didn't see this imprisonment as a punishment, secretly looking for a way to escape. No, this was a life I could enjoy. He cared for me, made sure I was okay and enjoying my stay. This was home.
I got nervous as I strutted down the halls. I was shaking as my hand met his. What if I wasn't a good dancer? What if he knows I like him? What if I hurt him? I don't even know anymore. "Why so nervous?" his arms wrapped around my waist.
"Why so many questions today?" I blushed.
He chuckled and we kept dancing to the slow, sweet melody that played through the castle.

Beauty & the Beast (jin+jimin au)Where stories live. Discover now