i need lOVE

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i'm young and i want love. i love toooooo many ppl and i know i do. i try to deny the fact that i love them but i know i love them with my whole entire heart. like, i don't care if they don't love me back i'm just. i want to lOVE PEOPLE. they just make me so happy all the time and that's just the best thing ever like :,,,,,,,^)))) sLAUGHTER ME

i love them so goddamn much like omgggggg ♡♡♡♡♡ stOp being the best 🛇 no thanks, i don't deserve youuuuu

i love them soooooosoososososoooooo much like wow

but like we're kinda drifting apart and i don't want that but i'm just letting it happen. help.

why are they the best



i am t R iGge rD

like wow

i'm done


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