fuck meee (ahHHh)

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i love all of them

but you know

they probably don't love me

but that's okay

because one of them do

and i just want to be with all of them

and someone might like me

they care about me too much

i mean

i like them

but not like that

they're nice and all


they're kinda annoying

but we all are.

i hate it when people say someone likes/loves me

bc it's like, "don't get your hopes up,

i'll die soon

or reject you bc i'm terrified to say my real emotions

so try not to like me as much."



during science

my teacher talked about the shooting

she was talking about it bc it was the school she went to for 3 years

and it really hurt her


she cried when she talked about all her friends there

i wanted to cry bc it's so sad

but i didn't

i didn't want to seem weak or anything

some people were crying

then we talked about depression and stuff

i wanted to cry during that bc i'm depressed and stuff

we also talked about the shooting during homeroom bc she's also my hr teacher.



i walked


my friend left and i walked alone on the busy street

it felt like everyone was looking at me

but my mom said they weren't,

i just felt like they were

and i got my shoes all wet bc of the snow

then i went to the closest walgreens

and my mom picked me up there

and i told her what happened

she was worried

i was too

and that's okay.


that was my week

it was very


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