Chapter eleven:

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Today at school, everyone was to report to the nurse's office for a physical exam. We do one every semester. I was in History when the nurse called our class next. Mrs. Ramirez said that she'd take three people at a time according to last name. This girl, Melanie, had the same last name as me. So I had to go in front of her. I was with Oliver Nack and Sophia Nguyen.

The door for Mrs. Ramirez's office opened. "Thank you, Henry. Oliver Nack, you're up next. Abby, you're after him," she told us.

The exam usually took about five minutes. What Mrs. Ramirez does is check your height, hearing, eyesight, spine, and your weight. After Oliver, I got called. First, Mrs. Ramirez measured me.

"So, how are you, Abby?" she asked as she adjusted the height stance.

"Alright, I guess," I said.

She said, ""5'2. You grew an inch. Now your eyesight."

After my eyesight exam, Mrs. Ramirez told me I had perfect vision. Then my hearing test. It was good. Then she checked my spine. Mrs. Ramirez told me that I had a spine straight as a pole. Then she told me to take off my shoes and stand on the weight scale. I dreaded this part.

"How's your diet going?" she asked as she set the weight scale to 0.

"I don't know," I said in all honesty.

Then she said the words that made my whole world brighter, "You lost five pounds!"

"What?!" I squealed. I looked down. My weight was 255 and now it was 250. I couldn't believe it. I asked Mrs. Ramirez to weight me again. Sure enough, the scale weight 250 lbs.

"Congratulations, Abby!" she told me.

"I'm losing weight, I'm losing weight!" I got off the weight scale and danced around. Mrs. Ramirez told me to do that in my spare time and if I could please ask Sophia Nguyen to come in. At lunch, I told Lauren about my exciting news. Only she didn't think it was that exciting.

"It's only five pounds," she said, shrugging her shoulders.

"It's a big deal for me, Lauren!" I said. "I can see myself in a bikini already!"

"Honey, it'll take you five years for you to finally wear a bikini," taunted a voice. I didn't have to turn my head around. I already knew it was Bree.

"Shut up, Bree," Lauren snorted.

"Anyway," Bree said, as if Lauren didn't say anything, "as you guys may know, I'm throwing a big Going Away party at the end of the semester." She waved a red envelope in front of Lauren's face. "You want in?"

"You want us to go?" I asked, surprised.

"Oh! You wanna go, too?" Bree asked, pretending to be surprised. "I was asking Lauren; not you, Fatty Abby." She waved the envelope some more. "C'mon, Lauren, you in or out?"

"I'm good," Lauren said as she took a sip of juice.

Bree sassily tossed her hair. "Hmmp! Suit yourself." She walked off, calling in a sing-song voice, "Oh, Tad!"

"Bree's right," I admitted in a soft voice. I looked at Lauren. "It is going to take me five years until I wear a bikini."

Lauren scoffed. "Ah, don't listen to that bitch. Look on the bright side-- Bree's moving. You'll never have to deal with her again."

Lauren was right. But what about those anonymous narrow minded bullies that keep sending me messages? I bet that Bree sent them. And Tad. I just hoped that now that Bree was moving, the messages will subside a little. I needed someone to be happy for me, so when I came back home, I FaceTimed Zarah. She didn't answer. I heard the front door open and close.

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