The Cat Lover Gets Kidnapped!

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~Heracles' P.O.V~

I sighed, keeping my head low. The last thing I wanted was for Sadik to see me as I walked past. This was a bit difficult, considering I had three cats around my feet, one in my arms, and another on my head, batting hair into my eyes. I then heard the dreaded, obnoxious, Turkish shout.

"Hey Heracles! Buddy" The shout came from my left, I flinched and did my best to ignore him, "Hey! Come here!" Oh why couldn't he just stop yelling?

I shyly walked over, my head still slightly lowered as I cradled the only cat left. The others had run off the second Sadik had locked his focus on us. I could sense the cat in my arms tensing up, so I set her down and allowed her to run off. I then looked up at my 'friend', "Yes?"

"You should totally come home with me and try this stuff I made! I need a taste tester!" He announced this excitedly. Couldn't hurt, right? We'd been kind of friends for awhile now. I was still weary, this must've been obvious as he started talking again, "C'mon, Please, Heracles? Just for the day!"

"Alright...I guess..." I murmured my response. At this point, I just wanted to get him to shut up. He was deathly annoying. He said a few words to me about how excited he was, (I wasn't really listening, so I can't tell you what he said) and then started dragging me to the train station. I was currently in Izmir, a Turkish city. I'd only gone because there were nice cats there, and besides, it had been built by my people. As Sadik dragged me through the bustling station, I did my best to keep up, it wasn't my fault I was slower. I could be faster if I wanted, but I didn't want to be shoving people out of the way. It didn't take us long to get on a train, I had no idea where we were headed, as I cannot read Turkish. I looked at the older nation, "Hey, where are we going..?"

"To my house" Sadik cheerfully replied, oh how he annoyed me. I attempted to specify my question, asking where his house was (He told me it was in Turkey). Of course this didn't work, so I asked for a specific address (Apparently it's 11809 Nunyabusiness). I eventually gave up. He then started to brag about his place, "It's got a ton of rooms, and a huge kitchen! And I have this really big fireplace!" I eventually tuned him out for the remainder of the trip.

~Sadik's P.O.V~

I practically dragged Heracles through my house and to my kitchen. He knew where everything was, of course, he'd stayed with- okay, I forced him to stay, but that's not the point -he'd stayed with me before. He sat down in a chair that resided in the open most part of the room. I shook my head at this, "Sit there". I knew very well that he hated being in corners, which is exactly why I put him there. The look of nervousness on his face was absolutely adorable. "So, what would you like me to make you?"

"Aren't you supposed to make me something random...?" Heracles looked up at me and tilted his  head ever so slightly, another adorable thing.

"Yeah, but you should have a little something quick first" I laughed softly.

"Simit..." he murmured, "Simit would be nice" I beamed at this and ruffled his hair in a rough, yet affectionate manner, however he seemed to find it aggressive and he glared up at me. This didn't stop me from smiling back. He could glare all he wanted, he'd still be mine in the end. His harsh tone interrupted my thoughts, "Just go cook so that I can leave"

I rolled my eyes and walked off to the kitchen, starting on the bread that had been requested by the Greek man. For once, I felt slightly bored with my cooking. I didn't want to wait for Heracles to be mine, I wanted him now. Alas, I shouldn't push it further. I'd ask him about it later. It took me about an hour before I was able to walk out and slide him a plate of Simit.

"Oh...thanks..." He said softly, moving the plate closer, he took a bite. Although He didn't voice an opinion, his beautiful gaze had lit up. I smiled to myself.

"You'd be able to eat like that all the time if you were mine, you know" I smirked widely, as I watched Heracles drop what he had in his hand, looking up at me with a wide, terrified expression.

~Heracles' P.O.V~

"W-What?" I could barely get my words out, as I began feeling hazy from the Turk's words. Be his? Last time I was his, all he did was rape me and treat me like his pet. Sure, food was good, but that didn't exactly sway my opinions.

"Yeah" The Turk purred. I watched as he walked over and tipped my head up to look him in the eyes directly as a pushed myself back hitting the corner. "Feeling okay~?" Oh, another question I couldn't answer with words. I could only answer with actions. I realized it as a really felt what was happening, I wasn't hazy from fear. The stupid Turk had drugged me and I had been stupid enough to fall for it. At this point, I literally fell for it. I dropped forwards and slipped into unconsciousness.

~Sadik's P.O.V~

I smirked and supported the poor Greek, I really didn't care about his opinion on being mine, he was mine anyway. I carried him to his old room, even letting a cat into the house. I might be deemed as insane, but I am fair. I yawned and laid down beside him. I really couldn't contain how excited I was about this. Heracles was finally mine again! And so the first part of my plan was in motion.

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