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Ever sit down and watch a show while thinking, "Boy are those actors lucky to play the love interest of that guy."? Yea I was one of those people. I was that person that not only loved the actor, but the character. How could you not? All you have to do is watch 'Love Cells' and you'll know. Especially the main character being Park Sun Ho; Ma Dae Choong. And this dear friends, is the story of how he fell in love with me.

"Sun-Hi? Are you watching that show of yours again?"

I looked up at my roommate, Ara, and paused my show.

"Isn't this like your 7th time watching this?"
"8th actually."
"How can you even watch a show that many times? Don't you ever get sick of it?"
"Not really. Episodes are like 7 minuets each and besides, look at him!" I pointed at my screen which was paused right on his face.
"Whatever, now come on it's time for your birthday dinner."

*Wait. Let me restart for a minute. I'm Sun-Hi. Now 22 years old, single, Love Cell obsessed, living in Korea with my only current best friend Ara, who truth be told, isn't very good at cooking. Living a sad life? Probably. Do I enjoy it? Yes. Now, back to my story—*

She walked out of my bedroom and I groaned before walking out as well. I went into the kitchen where Ara was laying out the plates for us, and sat down ready to eat.

"What did you make?" I asked her smiling. Sure, her food sucks but it's a thousand times better than mine.
"Kimchi, your favorite."

Ara put some on my plate and I dug in. Good? No. Still ate it? Sadly.

"Thank you for the meal." I said before taking my dishes, setting them in the sink, and retreating back into my bed, with that beautiful TV and that beautiful show on it.
"Wait Sun-Hi! We're not done yet, your cake!" She came and got me but I didn't want to get back up. I was on a good part of the show!
"I'm not getting up again."
"Come on, don't make me force you."
"It's my birthday! Let me rest."
"No." She took my remote and shut off the TV.
"Hey! Give it back."
"I will as soon as you blow the candles and make a wish, I worked hard on it."

We both went back to the table where the cake laid. She turned off the lights and lit up the candles, singing happy birthday to me.

"Make a wish Sun-Hi." She whispered while smiling.

You all know what I wished for.
"I wish Ma Dae Choong was here and for him to be with me."
And then I blew every single candle. Each and every one of the 22 on it.

Beep Beep Beep!!!

My alarm started going off.

"Agh what the? What time is it?"
I checked the alarm clock. 7:39am. How could it be 7:39!? It was just 9 at night like 2 seconds ago!

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?"
There was a voice. A MAN'S voice. I shot my head towards it and instantly looked away not believing what I just saw. Slowly, I turned my head again towards the man and gasped.
"Park Sun Ho!!!?????" I screamed. What the actual heck was going on? How was a FAMOUS ACTOR in my room right now asking how I slept!? 
"Who's that? I'm Ma Dae Choong."
"Um no your not. Well I mean, you ARE but your not. That dude is your character."
"My character? What are you talking about Sun-Hi? And shouldn't Nebi be here too since she's like part of my DNA?"
He started panicking a little and looked in my closet, under my bed, out my window for 'Nebi'

"You're crazy! What are you doing and how do you know my name?!"
"What do you mean?"
"Listen, You know what? I'm probably just dreaming. You're not real, this isn't real. No matter how much I wish it was. So I'm just going to close my eyes and be back in the real world."
".... I am real."

I shot open my eyes again and looked at him. How was it even possible that my celebrity crush was even in my room right now saying he was the character he played? It's not.

"How did you get in here?" I asked him.
"You wished me here. To be with you." He slowed down a little and now looked calm.
I stood up and ran out of my room, closing the door and sprinting to Ara's.

"Ara!" I whisper - shouted.
"What?" She groaned, walking out with her robe on.
"He's in. My. Room!"
"The guy!"
"What guy?"
"From my show! He's in my room!"
"What?" She was now fully awake and hurried back to my room where there he was, sitting on my bed.

"You weren't joking."
Both our eyes were open wide.

"Hi! I'm Ma Dae Choong. You are?"
He waved at Ara.
"Uh Choi Ara. Yo-uh-wh-huh?"
She closed the door again and looked at me confused.

"What's going on!?"
"I don't know! That's why I came and got you, he keeps saying he's the character he played as and that I wished him there and he's going to be with me and it's just confusing!"
"The one your like in love with?"
"Ok not weird at all or anything. Let's just um uh call his company and find out."
"Yea that makes sense."
She took out her phone and contacted the managers at the entertainment company he works at.

"Hi, this is Choi Ara, we're calling about Park Sun Ho."
"Oh do you know him?"
"You could say that."
"Well he just walked in, do you want me to leave a message?"

He just walked in? How could he have? I turned my door handle just to find him still sitting on the bed. I reclosed the door once again, looking at Ara, mouthing that he was still here.

"Uh I have to go. Never mind about him." She said before hanging up.

"If he's already there yet here, does that mean he's telling the truth?"
"I think so."
"This isn't possible."

I walked into my room once more, smiling at him.

"We'll find Nebi, and Seo Rin. Let's just um, eat some breakfast for right now."

I was still in half shock honestly. Wouldn't you be too?

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