Chapter 1 - Beginning Your Journey

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Today was the day! It marked the start of your journey to become a Pokémon Master, and Professor Juniper had already dropped off the box that would give you your first partner. You were practically twitching in excitement as you stood next to Cheren, both of you impatiently waiting for Bianca to arrive.




Minutes passed until uneven thumps could be heard downstairs. You breathed out a relief as Bianca made it up to your room, "Am I a little late again? So-oooo-rry!"

She apologized over and over, and Cheren sighed before turning back to the box, "Since it arrived at (Y/N)'s house, let's let her be the one to open it."

Bianca nodded, so you stepped forward and checked the note before unwrapping the ribbon.


I've brought three Pokémon, one for you and one for each of your friends. Please settle your choices politely. Enjoy your Pokémon!
                  --Professor Juniper


Peering into the box, you smiled as your eyes landed on the shiny new Poké Balls, each labeled with their Pokémon and its type.

"Okay, let's let (Y/N) choose her partner first," Cheren suggested from behind you.

"Sounds good to me!" Bianca agreed.

"Thanks guys! Then I choose...Oshawott!" you declared, picking out the Poké Ball.

Bianca rushed forward excitedly and snatched Tepig's ball from the box. "I'll take this one then! Cheren, that one's yours," she nodded towards the last Poké Ball.

"Hey how come you get to choose second?" Cheren complained. "Oh well, never mind. I wanted Snivy from the start, anyway."

No more than five seconds later, Bianca decided that having a battle was the best way to get strong from the start.

"Alright, (Y/N)! Get ready for our first battle!"

Let's just say Tepig didn't stand a chance.


"Woo-hooo! (Y/N), you're gonna be an incredible Trainer one day, I'm calling it right now!" Bianca laughed.

You giggled a bit, hugging Oshawott happily.

"Uhh...... Guys...?" Cheren finally spoke out, though he seemed to be at a lost for words as he peered around at your room.

Footprints were everywhere, books had fallen off your shelf, and your tables were somehow stacked on top of each other in a messy pile.

"Oh no! I didn't realize Pokémon were so strong!" Bianca gasped, "Sorry (Y/N)!"

"You...are completely hopeless... Here, I'll restore your Pokémon," Cheren sighed, taking out a couple potions.

"Hey! Cheren! Why don't you battle too?" Bianca suddenly blurted, "The room's already a mess, so it won't really  be a problem!"

"Hmm, I guess you're right. Yes, I'll battle you, (Y/N)! Come on, Snivy! Let's see what you can do!"

Fighting Snivy was a bit more challenging, as Cheren strategically planned out his status moves and attacks to efficiently deal damage. Despite this, Oshawott was able to land a few Tackles to finish up the match.

"I made a small mistake in my first Pokémon battle..." Cheren remarked, pushing up his glasses, "But this feeling I have... I'm finally a Trainer. I'm ready to embark on my adventure! But first, we better clean up your room."

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