Trouble In Ga-Koro

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A beach

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A beach. He was walking across a curving beach. To his left, and directly ahead of him was a wide-reaching bluff that he was certain he wouldn't be able to climb. To his right was the ocean, and a strange metallic canister that was  large enough to hold a group of people. He stopped in his tracks and sat down and looked at his reflection in the water. The unfamiliar blue mask that adorned his face only added to his curiosity about himself, especially as it clashed with his red jacket and yellow pants.

After he had stared at himself for sometime, not knowing what to think of himself, he looked up and pondered aloud, "I guess if I meet someone I'll need to call myself something." As he said this he thought of all of the possible names he could, trying to come up with what his real name actually was, but never quite realizing it. All he could hear were bits and pieces, and finally he came to the conclusion that his name must be "Takua." As that was all he could hear. Something about it didn't quite sound right, but the rest of his name was blurted out.

"Help!" cried a loud voice in the distance. 

Takua stood up and looked in the direction of the calling, where  he saw a girl in blue clothing shouting and leaping at him. He made his way to the blue suited girl. Her clothing was very revealing, and from her tan one could deduce that she spent a great deal of time in the sun. Her mask was a solid ocean blue.

"Won't you please help me! My village is in trouble!" She pleaded.

Takua was puzzled by this. She seemed so frantic and he wasn't sure how to help her. As far as he was concerned this was the first person he'd ever met, but he recognized that there was an issue and he ought to help her. "Yes, I'll help you." he said.

"Great! Thank you so much! Take my boat back to my home, I'm going to go find Toa Gali!" she said as she began to run off.

"But what should I do when I get there?" he asked while she was still within ear-shot.

"Find Turaga Nokama! Tell her Maku sent you and that help is coming! She'll tell you what to do!" she shouted back to him before leaving his line of sight.

After spending several minutes trying to figure out the autopilot on the strange vehicle, and then much longer speeding across the ocean, Takua arrived at a village held completely aloft by the ocean. It was like nothing he'd ever seen before, although that wouldn't be saying much for him as he couldn't remember anything.

After walking through the village for a while, he came across a body in-between two buildings. He rushed over to it and found that she was still breathing. Her mask was similar to his, but a much lighter shade of blue.

"It's still here." She was barely able to say before passing out.

"What's still here?" Takua asked before realizing she was unconscious. 

That is not to say that his question went unanswered, as he soon heard a large mechanical hiss come from behind him. He turned around and saw a gigantic semi-mechanical reptilian beast coming in his direction. Takua leaned over and picked up the girl (who he would later find out was named Nixie) and tried to quietly carry her into the nearby building, but as he entered it the beast charged him. Takua was just barely able to make it into the home in time to avoid being crushed.

Nixie regained consciousness. She was dehydrated and beaten badly, so Takua got her some water and bandages. She explained to him that there was a pump that had been disabled during the attack of the strange reptilian beasts, and that this particular pump kept the building her people were in aloft. She told him that if he reactivated this pump, it would give her people the chance they needed.

Takua realized what he had to do. He looked out of the building's door, and saw the large beast, he looked further and saw the pump. After taking a moment to build up his courage, he dashed out of the door and around the monster, it chased after him. 

From it's back it launched missiles at Takua, which Takua managed to avoid easily with his quick reflexes. Takua made it to the pump and activated it, but the monster was upon him. It snatched up Takua with it's massive jaw and through him into a nearby building, temporarily crippling Takua.

In a frantic series of events, Takua managed to survive. First, the building resurfaced and the people inside came out gasping for air. The beast began to focus on them, but was soon knocked over by a tall woman in a blue mechanical suit. Attached to the woman's wrists were hooks on pulleys. The seven foot tall mechanical woman engaged in a brief battle with the giant lizard but won easily, knocking it into the water and removing the strange mechanical equipment attached to it's body. Then there was some quick celebration before the seven foot tall woman jumped into the ocean and left. This series of insanity left Takua dizzy, and his back sore.

After thanking the tall woman, Maku stepped up to Takua. "Thank you for saving my village, traveler." She thanked him. "My name is Maku."

"I'm... Takua..." He said hesitantly. He realized that if he introduced himself as this it would seal who he his to everyone, and whoever he was before would probably be lost forever.

"It's nice to meet you Takua." she said sincerely. She seemed upset or disturbed by something, but Takua couldn't tell what. "Turaga Nokama would like to speak with you. Her home is the largest of the houses here." After saying this she walked away, and it sounded as if she had begun to cry.

Takua had decided that asking Maku what was wrong wasn't the correct course of action, so he went to Turaga Nokama's home. 

Inside, standing near a large table was the Turaga. She was wearing a long robe with markings in the strange language that the villagers would write in. In her hand was a large trident that she used as a walking stick, and her mask was a faded blue with many scratches and scuffs. She had clearly been through much.

"Hello, traveler." greeted the Turaga in an old, yet soothing voice. "I am Nokama, the Turaga of this village. You seem puzzled by much. Since you saved my village, the least I can do is answer some of  the questions you so obviously have."

"What is... what's Toa Gali?" he asked.

"Toa Gali? Of all of the things to ask... you don't seem to know much about the island or it's people if you don't know what a Toa is." She said, nearly as curious about him as he was about everything else. "Well Gali is the Toa of water, there are 6 toa, each one is capable of manipulating the elements. They are the fiercest warriors and the protectors of this island and it's people."

Takua thought carefully for a moment. He could spend hours questioning Nokama of everything about his life and the curious nature of the world he lived in, but he eventually came to the conclusion just to ask her one more. "What's wrong with Maku?"

"Maku is forbidden from leaving the village. She likes to sneak off and go visit the famous Kohlii player Huki, but I'm afraid the world is now much more dangerous than ever. A plague has fallen over Po-Koro, and I can not allow her to get sick or attacked." Nokama replied mournfully.

Takua thought about this for a moment, perhaps going to Po-Koro would be the thing to do. Perhaps someone there knew him, and maybe he could help there too, but how would he find his way there? "What if I were to go with her?"

There was a brief silence while Nokama considered this, but she finally concluded that he was obviously capable, and that Maku needed to go. "Maku has always been a free spirit. I suspect that I couldn't keep her here even if I truly wanted to. Far better she go with an adventurer like yourself than on her own. You have my consent to take her with you." Nokama decided.

"I'll be sure to keep her safe." Takua promised. And with that he left her home to go talk to Maku, and start his quest to figure out who he truly is.

To be continued...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2018 ⏰

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