I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at once

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there I was standing while the bus came driving toward me. rain pounded against the glass ceiling that was on top of us who stood under the bus hole location. all other students around me started to stand up . they reached for their bags. I then did the same .

the bus stopped in front of us. I was first in line to enter. I had eyes in the ground until the bus stopped in front of me . When I looked up I saw myself in the mirror .

my green eyes lit up while my chestnut brown hair rested on my shoulders. I had no particular appearance as all the other girls had . everyone else had blonde hair shine in the sun light . while they were wearing jeans and short tops , I had tights , a red tank top and a green jacket .

I get on the bus , stamps my ticket and go in the bus once. let the hand touch the way limits until I find a place that is appropriate. lands on the seat and wait until all other students have been sitting on their laurels.

put my bag on the seat next while I pull the jacket around my body. pulling off my shoes and take up the legs to the body. allows the arms to hug them . and put me in a position that is comfortable for my the body.

looking out towards the road . the bus starts and starts to run it's way to the camp . then I begin to remember why I'm on my way here .

It was a sunny day when I was reading at the dinner table . page after page sucked up with my eyes. it was the fifth time I read my favorite book, The Fault In Our Stars. I would just about to add a hair loop around the ear when my Mom threw a piece of paper in front of me .

"Haley , you can not just sit inside and read your books on such a wonderful day , They'll be here when you get back. 'She said. "

I put the book aside and picked up the note that was in front of me . At the top it said....

Summer camps for those who will start the final year of high school . And when i read it i knew that is the camp every student in school are talking about. in the hall they stood in groups and talked about it. i haven't even tought about going there because i know that James will be there.

James that make my body weak in his present. and his brown eyes that make my body on fire. I've liked him since grade one when he by accident kissed me. my first kiss.

And now when he growed up he has been more attractive and populuar. and last year when we stared high school every girl wanted him. and since then he been kind of a player. but I know that it's not his real personality.

"Mom , you know I do not want to go to this camp , I said with a higher tone on my voice "

" Too bad , because I have already signed you up , she said as she lifted her eye brow . "

I sighed and threw the lapp away, i reached my hand after the book and and steps away from the chair and walked to my room. where I left the the book back in the big bookshelf that was hanging on the wall. threw me on the bed. and pulled the blanket over me.

I rubbed my back to the seat to wake up a little. i run my hands through my hair to keep it away from my face, on the other side of the bus sat James. I just sat there for a moment and looked at him and admired all sides of him. when he knows that I'm staring at him.

he turns around and looks at me. I feel my cheeks begin to heat up and begins to be red for themselves. thankfully the bus stops and we have arrived at the camp.

the camp looks a bit boring now but it's just because it's raining, heavy clouds open up and let the rain pour downa all more. all step out and begin to move toward the main cabin.

the main house is a log home located in the middle of the valley, while all other small houses located around the outside. behind the houses there is a beach. it is big and I think we will spend a much time there when the weather brightens for themselves. a forest extends also.

once we get into the main house so it is a large hall that covers most of the surface. in the middle of the room there is a table where all the students settle down around. front of the table is a huge stage.

on the stage a woman approached. I guess she will be the coach.

"Hey everybody , I want to welcome you to a whole month of fun, now I will divide you into groups where you two and two may share a house. Guys and girls for themselves, she says out loud to everyone."

"Okay, now comes the pairs. Alexi and Bella, and when it is pronounced as they howling girls out in small laughter and cheers.

"shut up now, says the leader turned to them while she continues to share the pair away."

"It seems we have a problem that has come forward, she say and camps her hand against her forehead."

"It's a guy and girl who will be sharing the same house this month., It is Haley and .....

when she pronounce my name, I feel my heart pumping faster and faster and it feels like an eternity before she'll say the guy's name.

"James, emerges from the leader's lips., And I get in shock and forget to breath....

So what do you guys thinks. PLS tell me in the coments below......

I fell in love the way you fall asleep: slowly, and then all at onceWhere stories live. Discover now