When You Woke Up..😅

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Roman Reigns:
As you had woken up you realized that this wasn't your room. You got up and smell a fresh delicious scent. So you went downstairs and heard "Oh hey Y/R/N didn't see you there!" Roman exclaimed. "How did I get here?" You asked. "Well I was guessing you were waiting for someone to pick you up which never did. And you fell asleep at the bench and I was worried you were going to get kidnapped or something, so I carried you to my house for the night." You then blushed and went to the table where he was at and ate together "By the way the names Y/N, what you were calling me was my ring name. "Still a beautiful name to me." You both laugh then started to tell things about yourself and got to know each one another better.

Seth Rollins:
"Agh, good morning to me." as you woke up and saw Seth sleeping right next to you. You were shocked and didn't remember anything last night just that you went to the gym so you over thought and- "Ahh! RAPIST!" and you threw your pillow at him. He woke up and had quick reflexes to catched the pillow. "Hey! what are you doing I just took you home and got exhausted ok calm down and what do you mean I'm a rapist?!" You thought for it moment and remembered last night. You embarrassingly stutter out "S-sorry" with a fake little laugh.
"Its fine come on I did you a favor cook me something for me, I'm starving!"
But you couldn't because he made you work out so much yesterday that you felt your leg aching. You told him you were soar and so he was such a gentleman that he decided to give you a massage.

Dean Ambrose:
As soon as you woke up you saw a face in front of you. "Uh Dean?" He opened his eyes and quickly pulled up his head, "oh sorry didn't know you were awake" he replied scratching his head. You laugh with joy grabbed his hand and took him to the living room. "I wanna show you something!" you said with excitement. He sigh,"but I'm tired cuddle with me for 10 minutes first" you knew he was flirting with you, so you decided to cuddle with him anyways, I mean just look at him! He's so adorable!! Soon, in the middle of cuddling you both fell asleep on the couch. Few minutes has pass and you woke up with a empty couch. "Did Dean left already?" You wondered to yourself. Then you saw him bringing food into the living room and said "good gracious your awake, now come on let's eat" the two of you ate and watch a movie and pretty much became inseparable.

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