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Wonwoo woke up and looked up from where he was laying.
"Ya, Kim Mingyu. Do you think you can just eat all my food?"
He looked over to his best friend who was currently indulging himself in all of the junk food Jun's pantry had to offer.
Nothing's changed.

"That's what I'm fucking doing isn't it? And shut up you sound like my dad."

Jun walked into the kitchen and started preparing some food.
"Mingyu, don't eat too much junk food. I'll make dinner so make sure you guys stay and eat."
Jun said while patting Mingyu's shoulder.

Mingyu laughed and put the bag of chips he was devouring down.
"And you sound like my mother. Damn, just get married already."

Wonwoo threw a napkin at Mingyu.
"We fucking are. And after you eat get out. I got plans with Jun after this."

Mingyu stuck his tongue out and Wonwoo flipped him off before Mingyu joined Jeonghan and Seungcheol on the couch.

Jun sighed.
"Jeez, if you two weren't best friends I would have assumed you hated each other."

"We're the best of friends, baby."
Wonwoo said while pushing Mingyu off the couch with his foot.

When Jun finished cooking, he walked over to the couch with bowls of food for everyone. They watched whatever came on the tv and ate their food.
"Thanks for the food, Jun."
Seungcheol said while checking his watch and signaling Jeonghan to get ready to leave.
"See you some other time."
Jeonghan said while hugging Jun and waking out with Seungcheol.

"I should go they were my ride."
Mingyu said before exchanging farewells with Jun and Wonwoo.
"Oh yeah, I brought the thing you asked for, Wonwoo. It's on the coffee table."

"Ok thanks, Mingyu."
Wonwoo said from the kitchen where he was washing the dishes. Mingyu nodded and slipped out.

"What did you ask for, Wonwoo?"

"Nothing important."

Jun pouted and went to grab the small box. Wonwoo dried his hands on his pants and ran over to grab the box from Jun.

Jun pouted more. It only made Wonwoo smile and it resulted in Wonwoo kissing Jun again.

"I'm sorry, baby. Not yet, ok?"

Jun flopped on the couch and started surfing through the channels.

"What's wrong, baby?"
Wonwoo laughed.

"Nothing...now that we're keeping secrets from each other."

Wonwoo only laughed louder.
"I love you."

"...whatever I love you too.."

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