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After a year you and Daniel had that fight you didn't hear anything from hear and you didn't want to hear anything about him even though you missed him but you put your past behind and decided to move back home in your hometown a suburb of Chicago

Y/n "hi baby"

Elle(your daughter)- "mama"

Y/n- "yes baby"


Y/n- "no baby it's 10am we can't eat that rn"


*you get Elle ready to see your dad*

You get your curls wet and you put mascara on to show off your beautiful dark brown eyes and you put on lotion so your tan skin won't get dry

You pick up Elle put her in the backseat of your brand new Audi that you could afford by making money off of having a successful YouTube channel with over 16million subscribers. You drive 15 minuets until you get to your dads place you knock on the door and he answers with a smile.

Dad-"hola Hermosa" (hi beautiful)

Y/n-"hola pa"

Dad-"honey we need to talk"

Y/n-"is it about Daniel?"

Dad-"yes baby"

Y/n-"dad i DONT want to talk about it"

Dad-"I'm sorry honey but please sit down and let's talk about it put Elle down let her play with Luna (your dog)"

Y/n "fine" *sighs

You sit down on the kitchen table hoping you don't burst out crying.

Dad-"y/n I know it's hard for you to face Daniel but it's been a year and Elle dosent know who Daniel is and that's her dad and I refuse to know that Elle will never know her father or even meet him"

Y/n-"i know dad i know how you feel right now but I don't think he wants anything to do with me"

Dad-"I'm pretty sure he wants to see his child and wants to see you bcs last night he came knocking on my door begging me to tell him where you live"

Y/n-"what!" "WHere is he rn?!"

Dad-"at a hotel he told me he was coming back".

As he finished saying that you hear a knock on the door and with hesitation you open the door and there you see standing the guy you fell in love with the beautiful blue eyes that drove you crazy that your daughter also had the brown hair that you used to play with the smile that instantly made you smile..

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