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"Y/n i know that you're happy with Daniel but can we at least be friends I've looked for you for almost 2 years now please" gio pleaded "Gio I would love to be friends but don't try anything ok I won't ever get back with you"

Next morning
Dani's pov

I see my angel laying next to me I listened to what happened yesterday gio decided to come back and now they're friends I can't believe that but I'm always here to support her

"Baby lets go to the fair with-" I cut off her groggy voice "with gio, yeh sure" she sits up "how do you know?" "Baby you talk really loud you aren't the quietest speaker" "oh" she chuckles "Baby I think that you should hang out with gio I don't want to interfere ya know you haven't seen him since what happened" she sorta frowns "but I wanted you to come with but ok" "sorry baby I also have to meet up with my manager and the boys" her face lights up "WAIT THE BOYS ARE HERE" I chuckle "yes baby"
"And you didn't tell me wow dani" she laughs "I didn't want to ruin the surprise" I say giving her a hug"

At the meeting

I was on brake when I see that y/n posted a picture she was at the fair with gio I was a bit worried but not to worried

I was on brake when I see that y/n posted a picture she was at the fair with gio I was a bit worried but not to worried

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Liked by Xx_james_xX,seaveydaniel and 1,900,000 others

Xx_y/n_xX-this is what happens when we try to go to the fair

User9078-aww,what about Daniel

User66-this is cute but where's Daniel

Seaveydaniel- nice to know you're enjoying yourself 😒💜

After that whole thing I get a text from y/n



Are you mad at me or something
Then  why did it seem like you were mad?

Because I'm the one that should be holding you  not. Some scum bag hat lied to you and left you for 1. Year
Hmm sounds like someone Ik Daniel you lied that you loved me


Daniel you cheated on me if you loved me you wouldn't have cheated on me 1 year ago

That was a year ago y/n A YEAR

but still Daniel

But did I leave you?

No Daniel you didn't I did but if you can please understand I haven't seen gio in so long so let me beeeee please

A/n-I haven't posted and this sucks but it's fine. I've been a little sick because there has been a virus going around only MY GRADE not the other grades just mine so really I think I'm the only one that hasn't been affected badly but yeh I love you and don't forget that you're worth it 💕♥️

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