Chapter 9

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' Damn , imma sexy bitch . Uh Uh Uh Uh

You boys can see me ,  cuz every girl here wanna be me .

Yes imma diva ! Fella's scream , And i wanna meet 'cha .

They say i'm a low down , It's just a rumor so don't believe 'em .

They say i nee- '

Ughh!! it's my alarm again . I lazily groaned and pulled the phone from my nightstand and dismissed it . I love the song though . You know ,  if you are obsessed with one particular song and want to stop the obsession , then just try making that song your alarm ringtone . I bet you will definitely get over that song . That's why i kept Sexy Bitch as my alarm tone . 

I opened my eyes ever so slightly and went through my messages , emails and all that sh*t . My mind made me open my twitter account and tweet something . 

" Fighting for peace is like fucking for getting virginity .  " I tweeted . You can say sometimes I get really woried for my country . There is corruption everywhere and amywhere now adays . Sighing in frustration I dragged my legs towards the bathroom cum toilet .

After doing my 'things' in the bathroom , i came to my room to find out that my mom is sitting at the edge of the bed and smiling at something . Lowering my eye lens to her palms , i saw a photo frame which i always keep in my night stand

She saw me and patted the bed indicating me to sit next to her . My robe was loose, so tightening the robe against my body , i walked towards the bed and sat beside her . 

There was a photo of me when i was like 8 or 9 years fo age blowing bubbles in my balcony and grinning at the camera . I clearly remember that moment like yesterday . My mom's small sister , whom i call her Mommy had bought that bubbles from Japan . It was really unique . I adored it a lot . 

" You remember these times , Angel ? " Mom spoke snapping me out from my reminishing moment . 

' Ofcourse mom , I do . Mommy had brought this bubbles for me from Japan . I was so happy when i found out my last christmas gift was this bubbles ."

Even though I try to look tough and all from outside , I'm super softie and emotional wreck from the inside . By this time tears were already starting to envelope my eyes . 

I softly spoke , "Those were the days mom , those were the days . "

I remember my perfectly perfect childhood , having not to care about anything and anyone . Most of the people who saw me in the roads would take pictures with me and flower me with sweet compliments like , ' She's such a beautiful doll . ' , ' Oh , look at this lovely sweetheart . I gurantee she's gonna break a lot of hearts while growing up . '

Mom then turned towards me and in no time hugged me showering me with her love and concern . I hugged her back with same positive energy . I nuzzled my nose into her hair . She smelled so sweet like chocolates and bakery shops . " Oh , baby " . I heard her murmur . I then couldn't stop my tears running down my cheeks . 

Me and my mom are very close to each other , if you couldn't tell . Though she is strict and scolds me sometimes , i love her to death . My dad's close too but he can't beat my mom . We share happy moments , snapping at each other moments , angry moments and not to forget ' emotional ' moments too . 

After a while , we pulled out from the hug . I knew something was definately up . Otherwise mom wouldn't have just come here without no reason and start to get all emotional over me . My instincts were always , okay let's not say always . But most of the times correcct . 

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