Wisdom Teeth

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Well, as you might have been able to tell from my status, my wisdom teeth have been removed this morning. Yes, I'm only thirteen years old, but there was a small problem with my wisdom tooth on the bottom left part of my mouth. So, here's the explanation.

My wisdom tooth wasn't forming correctly. Apparently, it's been like that for a few years (at least, that's what I was told). It was completely abnormal, and the dentists couldn't really do a thing about it since they didn't even know what it was.

They sent me to an oral surgeon (he's a really great guy, good with kids/teens, funny, etc). He took another X-ray, and confirmed that it really isn't normal at all. He didn't even know what it was. So, he said that they were going to get it removed, as well as what was supposed to be the follicle (where the tooth was supposed to be formed). They made this decision somewhere in March, and my mom mentioned that I played euphonium and asked how that would affect it. The oral surgeon said that I wouldn't be able to play, but he also mentioned that we could remove the tooth after school lets out. So, it was set to go on June 5th, 2014 (which is today).

As my mom was setting up the appointment, the receptionist lady gave her the idea of removing my other three wisdom teeth as well. My mom agreed, thinking that this would be good to get all four removed instead of just removing one now and the other three when I'm eighteen.

School flew by, band concerts and field trips, final exams, final projects, and then came June 4th (the day after we let out if school). We (me, Peyton {my brother}, and Mom) went to see Maleficent, and Mom and I enjoyed it so much, and my brother thought it was pretty good too. Then we went to my cousins' house to play with them for a bit. Then, we went home, ate dinner, and my dad went off to a soccer game. We prayed last night that I would be okay after surgery (even though it's not life threatening). I've even gotten a few messages (from Cookie {real life friend} and my boyfriend as well) saying that I would be fine. Many people prayed for my safety. I read them all this morning, and I just wanted to say thank you to all who wished me the best of luck.

I woke up at 7 this morning, got dressed (I couldn't eat for surgical reasons I don't understand), and left it the oral surgeon place with my family (Peyton, Mom, Dad). I had regretted not bringing a rubber band, since I use those to calm my nerves. The front receptionist was nice enough to give me one that way I could mess around with it to keep calm. I was then taken back, still with the rubber band being twirled around in my hands. I was hooked up to a few things (blood pressure, oxygen nose thing, and anesthesia {which was injected into my arm}). I guess God was with me the entire time. I didn't throw a fit, didn't cry when I was injected with the thing, didn't even object to leaving my parents. I was then pulled under (surgery started about 8 AM). I woke up (don't know what time) after the surgery, then I was told to go back to sleep. So, I did as I was told willingly since I really was tired. I woke up again (this time at about 9:05 AM), and got unhooked from everything (I'm guessing the anesthesia was pulled from my arm after I woke up the first time. There was a band-aid in its place), and I got my glasses back. So, I was wheeled out of the oral surgeon (not really sure why. I was certain I could walk with no help), got in the car, and was driven home. My mom helped me to the guest room (again, I'm certain I don't need help), where there is a TV. Also, she doesn't want me upstairs in my regular bedroom since I'm 'loopy', even though I'm really not. So, I've been eating Jell-O, Trix Yougurt, and milkshakes, and I've been watching Fish Hooks (yeah, I like Disney. You can't blame me) and now I'm watching Mission Impossible (even though I've seen it before when I was 10 years old). Now the numbness is going away, and I'm in quite a lot of pain.

So, I'm well and all, just hurting a lot in the back part of the mouth, and now it's 1:07 PM). I should be fine by Sunday, but I'll still update when I can. Keep on being awesome, and thanks for your concern. Until later, goodbye my Test Subjects.


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