The Magical War at School

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Chapter 1

Earth. The same planet that you're all probably familiar with. In the year 2085, magic had been discovered and legalized in the entire world. It was believed to bring peace to all nations. People who were adept to magic attended normal high schools, like the one I attend, Pulwort Academy. Those people would graduate, grow up and eventually have kids who were also adept to magic. There are four types of legalized magic; Destruction, focusing on obliterating the target with no remorse, Mobility, famous with athletes, in which your body moves faster than non-adepts, Alteration, having a strong mind to adapt to the environment around you, and Restoration, the ability to give a source of healing to a wound.

However, magicians received their powers through a rite of passage; they were required to join a special tryouts service held by the school officials, and if they passed, they were able to control magic as their own. If they failed, they would be labeled as "non-adepts" and be kicked out of the program immediately.

This is where I come in. My name is Max. I'm a second-year, and due to my grades, my parents believe it's fair that I be removed from the magic program whenever I recieve a bad grade. So, I don't have a power. I'm an expert technician, easily getting through any hardware or software problems in a breeze.

What I do have is my Activator; a weapon or device that houses your power. Think of them as wands in your favorite wizards novel. My Activator is a pistol, whom I named Tartarus. It's a deagle, which can also be transformed into a police baton for close quarters combat. I can also fire my weapon whilst in its baton form, which I personally had to modify for it to work. I'm quite proud of my Activator, and I grab the attention of many students as I walk around with it in my holster.

My best friend is a second-year named Nano. His codename is the same as his name, because it's simple enough for missions that he does for the school. He has the power of Alteration, and his Activator(s) are knives that contain traces of Varanium in-between the creases of the blade's handle. He can control the knifes (or in fact, any Varanium-based material) to return to him, create a shield for him, whatever he decides for them to do.

He normally has two girls on his side. Lorina and Zeri. They specialize in the rare "Dual-Casters" activation method. They require each other's magical abilities to use their powers. As limited as that sounds, they have the most potential out of all of us. Their power is strong, I can feel it. Destruction is their forte; and they seem to like firing meteors from the sky (they nicknamed it Firestorm). They both have a major crush on Nano, and he knows that.

And my final introduction goes to... her.

Her beautiful complexion, the smile and laugh that keeps my attention gripped to her, the girl who keeps me driving to stay up and talk to her.


Who has a boyfriend.

Her name is Rosa, and she specializes in both Restoration and Alteration, however the latter seems to be her forte. She uses a whip with a scythe at the end of it as her Activator. She can also heal minor wounds, and she's training to use heavier abilities to heal bigger issues.

These people are apart of my so-called "clique". We always go everywhere together, and whilst Lorina and Zeri cling to Nano's arms, I bring up light chats with Rosa to be rid of the slight awkwardness.

Magic is the norm nowadays. Nothing can get more basic than this.

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