Harry x Reader (Non-romance) / The other Potter

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A/N - Quick note, sorry for any spelling, grammatical or cannon errors. If there are please let me know so I can fix them.

I know there's an unanswered question but I couldn't remember all the details to figure out an answer so sorry about that. This is a non-romance story so don't expect to get with harry in this one, I won't spoil it but it might be obvious from the title.

I'm quite proud of this one if I do say so myself so I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it 😊 - A/N

I exited Dumbledores office, i could feel the blood rushing throughout my whole body as I ran towards the Gryffindor common room. He had to be there, he had to.

I ran up the marble staircase, being careful to not trip or bump into anyone on the way. I knew this castle so well now anyways, being in my 4th year. Plus being friends with the sneakiest people at Hogwarts had its benefits such as knowing every shortcut and passageway in and around the castle.

I had known the Weasley twins since 2nd year when they had played a prank on me. This prank had resulted in blue blotches over my skin and my hair has bushy as Hermione's. At first I was upset by it but eventually it wore off and I was free to get my revenge.

The twins showed up to breakfast the next day, physically glued to each other. They confronted me about it and then laughed. They were seemingly impressed by my 'expertise' and I've been friends with them ever since.

I was two years above the now famous trio of Ron, Harry and Hermione. All of whom I had become fast friends with over the past 2 years. So it wasn't unexpected for me to turn up to the Gryffindor common room in search of them.

I reached the portrait hole, out of breath and clutching my side. I searched my pockets for the piece of crumpled up paper that Fred had given me in case I ever needed them and had forgot/didn't know the password. But I didn't need it as 5 seconds later the fat lady's portrait swung open to reveal Hermione, Ron and Harry on their way out.

I sighed in relief as they caught sight of me. I quickly wiped a bead of sweat off of my forehead and smiled.

"(Y/N)? Are you okay?" Hermione asked placing her hand on my back. I nodded catching my breath slowly but surely. I looked up at Harry.

"Could I talk with you for a moment, Harry?" I pleaded with my eyes and he noticed. He nodded as Ron and Hermione said they'd meet him at dinner, waving goodbye to us both.

We walked to an empty classroom, he kept stealing worried glances at me but I just kept going. This was important, I didn't want to blurt it out in the middle of the hallway.

We sat down on top of opposite desks in a dimly lit classroom and a silence filled the room as I figured out the right words to put the information I had just discovered.

Harry looked at me expectantly. I decided to just wing it, "So harry I know you have a lot on- with school and this whole chamber of secrets thing and that house elf but....Um." i stuttered over the sentence desperate to get the words that wouldn't form in my head out.

Harry just kept looking at me, encouraging me to go on with a little nod. "To put it shortly," I took a large deep breath and took the plunge. "I'm your sister." I smiled, shrugging in a sort of 'ta-da' way. I swallowed all the delicate words I was supposed to use in my lead up speech, watching Harry's reaction.

Harry's jaw dropped and his eyes widened. "What?!" Harry's eyes narrowed in suspicion and started to look around the room. "Is this Fred and George's idea? Come out guys, the jig is up. Ha-ha!" He mocked laughter, still looking around the room searching for a glimpse of red hair.

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