Chapter Seven: Apples and silence

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    The trip  to Delaney and Tristans House was strangely enough, silent. When we got there, Delaney is texting on the porch, and Tristan is sitting right next to her, smoking a cigarette. Delaney looked up from her phone, saw us, and jumped to her feet. 

    "I'll go get the bags,Vespa(Delaney)," said Tristan.

     "kk, but I'm still going to follow you because I have to grab my purse. ," said Delaney.

A few seconds later, Tristan came out of the house with their bags. He tucked them away in the truck, then ran back to the porch to graba pair of sandals. he was just about to start heading back to the car when Delaney charged out of the house, and jumped on his back.

   "To the motorized vehicle, Coyote!  (Tristan)," she said after she jummped on his back.

   Without a question,  Tristan lugged Delaney to the car, then slid himself into the spot next to her. Within ten minutes, everyone was asleep, although it is only 9:30 at night. Being the only one awake, I thought I would pull over and try to catch some sleep myself, then,  I remembered something.  I still have to gopick up Abby and Jacob!  Well, I guess that my sleep will have to wait.

  I called Abbu and told her that I was on my way. It was super difficult to talk on the phone quiet enough so I wouldn't wake anyone up, especially with Corinne snoring away. That was, until I stopped for a snack and she woke up. I grabbed each of us an apple. we ate our apples in silence,  then she asked,

"do you mind if I swiched back seats with Brendan! "

"Oh, thats fine, I'll just go wake him up," I replied.

     After Corinne and Brendan swiched spots, I headed toward Abby and Jacobs house.

      I knocked on the door, and Abby answered the door, wearing a white tank top and lime green shorts.

      "Hey Cassie!"

"Hey", I replied.

    Jacob loaded the bags, then Abby asked, "Do you need anything before we go?,"

"Um, only if I can borrow some pajamas so I dont have to wake anyone up by digging in my bags," I replied.

"You sure can! Ya know that we moved all of our stuff into a uhaul because  we are still planning on living in Florida with you and everyone,  so heres my bag for you to dig through. ," she said.

"K, thanks Abbs!," I said

"Oh, no problem, hun!," she replied.


  Now we are on our way to Florida.  Finally. Lord, please help me to not choke someone to death before we get there.

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