chapter 2

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I wake up and rub my eyes. I look to my left and see Jimin sleeping. "Poor guy. He's always so nice to everyone and everyone treats him like shit. Even I once did.." I think. I rub my eyes once more before getting dressed to make some food for him.
I walk to the kitchen and stupidly enough fall. Jimin catches me. "Eh thanks o.o I thought you were still sleeping tho" I said and looked confused. "I was, but I woke up when you stepped out of the bed." "Oh I didn't mean to wake you up" I say.
"What do u wanna eat?" I ask him while walking to the kitchen, without falling. "Oh I don't need anything, thanks." I look at him "Okay, I'll make toast for you. You have to eat!" I grab the break and put it in the toaster. 
After eating breakfast I get ready. I always get ready incase someone comes for a visit. 

I walk back to the living room and see Jimin on my laptop "What are you looking at?" I ask. "I was looking for a film or something to watch but I saw u watched the show Black. Is it good?" I chuckle "It was amazing actually. You should totally watch it, but you should know every episode is at least an hour long." He looks at me shocked but then smiles. "You can cast it to the tv if u want. Better quality." I say and show him how to cast the show to the tv. "Oeh thank you!" 
I jump on the couch next to him and start rewatching the show.

I couple hours passed and I can feel myself dozing off. Am I really that lazy? Before I know it my eyes close.

About an hour later I wake up. "Did you sleep well?" Jimin asks and chuckles. I notice that I'm laying on his chest and he has his arm around me. "I'm sorry" I say and rub my eyes. I stand up but Jimin pulls me back and hugs me. "Thank you for being here for me" I hug him back. "No problem. You're my best friend." We both let go of the hug and I look at the clock. Its 5.30pm already. I look through the kitchen to look for food and realize I have a closet full of Ramen incase anything ever happened. I grab 2 packs and make the Ramen."BOO" Jimin says which scares me and causes me to get hot water over my hand. "FUCK" I scream of pain. "Oh shit." Jimin says and turns on the sink making sure the water is ice cold. "Oh fuck" he says again and grabs my hand. He puts my hand under the sink. "I'm so sorry!" He says and I can see his eyes fill up with water. "Don't be sorry it was an accident. Lets see this as something funny." I say and laugh through the pain. Jimin walks away. 
A few minutes later he comes back with the first aid kid. He wraps my hand in it and I just stare at him. "You should go rest. This released a lot of adrenaline and stress in your body." He says. I walk to my bed, change into my pj's and go take a nap. 

About an hour later I wake up and hear voices. They sound familar but I don't know who it is. I get up and walk to the bedroom door to peep through it. I see someone with red hair walking around. Its Hoseok! I think and I walk into the living room in my pj pants and shirtless. I was so distracted by the fact that someone else was at my place that I didn't make sure I had a shirt on. "Damnn!" Hoseok says causing Jimin to look at what he was looking. Jimin's face got red. Hoseok noticed and jokes "Don't you just want to touch those abs?" Jimin hits Hoseok and walks to the balcony. "I think he likes you.." Hoseok says. "But who can blame him if you're such a nice friend." I chuckle and make myself some coffee. "What happened to your hand?" He asks and I look down at my hand. I totally forgot I even had it. "I was making Ramen and Jimin scared me which caused me to throw warm water over my hand." Hoseok looks away and chuckles. "These things always happen to you don't they?" "Yes.. Sadly. But this time I had someone to take care of it for me." I say and look outside. Jimin walks from left to right to left etc. I shake my head and smile. "Do you like him?" Hoseok says and I choke in my coffee. "W-what? He's just a friend." I say and try to catch a breath.
"Sorry for making you choke on your coffee." I chuckle "You two are trying to murder me haha." I say and Jimin comes inside. "You okay? I heard you cough from outside!" He asks worried. "I'm fine. Hoseok is just trying to murder me." I say and walk to the living room. 
I turn on the tv and turn on some music. 
About an hour later Hoseok leaves and Jimin comes sitting next to me.

"Why aren't you wearing a shirt? You're always wearing a shirt." Jimin says. "I thought you would like it" Jimins face turns red again. I chuckle "I'm joking. I just forgot." Jimin lets out an awkward chuckle.
I start cleaning the house a bit so I have to do way less the next day.
"I'm going to bed. Goodnight" Jimin says and walks to the bedroom. 

After an hour of cleaning I walk to the bathroom and take a shower. I get dressed and throw myself next to Jimin in bed. 

As soon as my head hits the pillow I'm gone. Guess I haven't been sleeping that well when I'm alone. Well I have my best friend back.

I hope you all liked this long ass chapter! Its been a while that I have written fanfiction but that it only because I had a couple of mental breakdowns. I'm fine now and I've started college again! I will update as much as possible but some days I'm just too busy. Hope you all understand!
I love you all a lot <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2018 ⏰

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