XXXIX - Truth

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I let you die.

Vincent's sharp words gnawed at me. It was confusing at first but come to think of it, was it just a coincidence that he was there at the exact perfect time of my death? I wanted to pretend I hadn't heard him, that he didn't say such things.

"It's true," he went on casually as though it was nothing important. "I came back just in time to pull you out of the pool. But I didn't. I... I just watched you drown."

"Why?" I choked as I felt my throat tighten.

A smile slowly broke on his face, giving him a sinister air. "You should be thankful. In the normal run of things, you'd have died on your original expiration date and Pilgrim Reaper would've personally fetched your soul. I assure you, he won't be as gracious as I am, especially to someone with your family background. There's no telling what he'd do to you. So I stole your soul to spite him. Planned every little detail from the beginning. Of course, it would've been perfect if I was able to fully resurrect you. But as it turned out, I... wasn't strong enough as I'd thought." He let out a humorless laugh before looking away.

I dropped on my knees, fumbled on the floor for Mom's Memory Tome and clutched it tightly over my chest. Four more days couldn't have changed anything. I would still die eventually. But the mere thought of his betrayal sent a twinge of pain in my chest. From the beginning, I had been nothing more than a plaything to him, a piece in his sick games to keep himself entertained. All this time, I felt like we had been partners watching each other's backs. Apparently, I had misunderstood.

"I trusted you!" I shouted, my voice catching in my throat as I glared at him.

"Well, you shouldn't," he replied in a small voice, his smile fading into a wistful façade. "Hate me. I don't care. Now that  you know everything, you got no reason to cover up for me. There's no sense in sacrificing yourself for a monster."

Through the mist in my eyes, I scrutinized his face for any sign that he was making it all up, that he was joking. "So you've heard..." It wasn't a question. He knew I was planning on killing myself to save him. He must be snooping outside the door that night I told Rosario about it.

Bemusedly, Vincent shrugged as if saying he couldn't care less. "The stupidest thing I've heard in decades, actually." He hunkered in front of me and caught my chin with his fingers, forcing me to meet his mocking gray eyes. "And then what? D'you think I'd thank you? Make you my all-time hero? You're dreaming, Miss Rayne."

"Miss Rayne," I mumbled absently, nodding as I struggled to get up. "I get it," I rasped pushing past him before rushing straight for the door, clasping a hand over my mouth to force back the annoying sounds coming from my throat.

Inconspicuously, I made my way to my locker. My fingers trembled while trying to open it, turning a few heads to my direction. Afraid to make a scene, I slung my bag over my shoulder and headed outside. The playing field and parking lot were empty except for the school janitor who was shoveling snow from the pathway. I sat on the steps of the entrance, ignoring the frosty wind that bit through my cheeks.

Why was I even trying so hard? Being an unpaid all-around slave wasn't really my dream job. Just as sadistic as I had known Vincent to be, it still sucked to know that I was just part of his ploy to be a pain in his father's butt. Grudgingly, I kicked the snow on the tip of my shoes.

Out of habit, I reached for the Transference Link. Vincent was still in the music room from what I could make out. After composing myself, I headed back to class and endured the monotony of the whole afternoon.

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