Chapter Four

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Here's the UPDATE ! Tell me what you think and as always thanks for reading!
The above picture is Sam's parents, Stacey, and Stevie.

Sam P.O.V

I woke to the smell of bacon and batter, which meant was time for family breakfast. After a quick freshen up I make way to the kitchen only to be tackled by an over enthused Jonathan Evans. To be honest, Jonathan is the only reason why I put with Quinn. I love that little boy so much.

Sam: Hey Jon

Jonathan: Hey daddy. Where's mommy?

Sam: She's right over there Jon.

Jonathan: No my other mommy silly.

Sam: What other mommy?

Jonathan: Daddy you're being silly. I'm talking about Mercedes.

Well, I wasn't expecting that and neither was Quinn because she dropped her spatula and made us leave the room. Jonathan has a great memory for only meeting Cedes once. The day he met her, Cedes and I had to pick him early due to him having a fever. That little boy took an instant liking to her because she was kind and told him he was special something his mother never has time to do.

Sam's mother: Boys come in. (Calling thru the back door)

As we came in she tapped me on the shoulder telling me we needed to have a word. I love my mother so much to the point where in grade school she had to sit in. My mother is the reason why I worked so hard.

Sam's Mother: Honey can I see you in the room for a second?

I nod and follow my mother into the study.

Sam: Ma'am?

Pauline: Son you've always been the kind of guy to love hard. For some reason, you don't love Quinn hard. I saw the way your eyes light up. More than I've ever seen. I in no way condone it but I do want you to be happy. So this is what's going to go down. That little deal you have with Quinn is over. You will not and I mean not get a woman put into jail because you were unhappy with your situation. Do you understand me Samuel Chord Evans?

Sam: Yes mam. How do I get out of the deal?

Pauline sighed and handed Sam an envelope.

Pauline: Dear boy in my hand I hold the key to your escape.

With that my mother planted a kiss on my cheek and walked out. You see Pauline Evans is what we call a southern bell. She's beautiful with dirty blonde hair, green eyes, and a slim figure. She's quite amazing but when it comes to her family she becomes ruthless.

I opened the manila envelope quickly sliding the pictures out and what was on them made my breath hitch. On them were Quinn and Finn kissing outside of a hotel, then them in the office, then in the car. I knew what my mother was doing and I knew how she would use them. Walking into the kitchen I feel the tension oozing from my mother and Quinn.

Sam: Is breakfast done?

Pauline: Yes sugar. Your father's on his way, Stacy and Stevie are in traffic, and Quinn's parents are around the corner talking with the Neels so come set the table.

Quinn: I could help.

Pauline: I asked Sam didn't I?

Quinn nodded.

God, I loved my mom.

After setting the table I sat watching as my mom bossed Quinn around loving every second of it.

Quinn: Sam can you go open the door for Stacy and Stevie?

I nod and go to greet my sister and brother.

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