Gita Mahatamya- Adi Shankara

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gita shastram idam punyam

yah pateth prayatah puman

vishnoh padam avapnoti

bhaya-shokadi varjitah || 1 ||

When one recites the Bhagavad Gita with a pure heart, he will be bestowed with all virtues, and will attain the Lotus feet of Lord Vishnu (paramapadam), and will be free from fear.

gita adhyaana-shilasya

pranayama-paraasya cha

naiva santi he paapani

purva janme kritani cha || 2 ||

One who reads the Bhagavad Gita, and also does the Praanayama (breathing exercises), Whatever mistakes or sins he committed in his previous birth(s), it will not trouble him.

mala nirmochanam pumsam

jala snanam dine dine

sakrid gitambhaasi snanam

samsara mala nashanam || 3 ||

A human needs to have a bath every day to cleanse his body of the dirt;

One who reads the Gita every day, ie, one who bathes in the holy river of Gita every day, that person will be free of samsara (free of the cycle of birth and death)

gita sugita kartavya

kim anyaih shastra vistaraih

ya svyam padma nabhaayasa

mukha padmad vinih srita || 4 ||

The melodious Gita, which has come from the Lotus face of the Lord Vishnu, who is also called Padmanabha as a Lotus arises from His navel, is enough. No other scripture needs to be studied.

bharat amrita sarvasam

vishnor vaktrad vini sritam

gita gangodakam pitva

punar janma na vidyate || 5 ||

After drinking the water of the Gita, which is the nectar/sweetness of the epic Mahabharata, which has come from the mouth of Vishnu, such a person has no more births or deaths.

sarvo panishado gavo

dogdha gopala nandanah

partho vatsah sudhir bhokta

dugdham gita amritam mahat || 6 ||

The various Upanishads (scriptures too) are the cows, Krishna is the cowherd. Arjuna is the calf who is directly getting the milk, which is the Bhagavad Gita. And the ones who enjoy this milk are the high intellectuals.

ekam sastram devaki-putra-gitam

eko devo devaki-putra eva

eko mantras tasya namani yani

karmapy ekam tasya devasya seva

There is needed only one Shastra- the Gita of the son of Devaki, Krishna.Only one God is needed to be worshipped, and that is Devaki putra Krishna. Onlyone Mantra is needed, and that is His names, and only one duty is there- toserve His Lotus feet.    

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2018 ⏰

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