01 A girl, a town, a family

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As she walked the streets of the city of New Orleans, passing people who looked at her, some out of curiosity, some because they knew who she was, she finally reached the building she was looking for. Her mom's old apartment building. She entered the building and took out the key from her pocket and opened the door. She looked out the window to see the two vampires that were following her all day, waiting outside.

Idiots-she mumbled before continuing to look around the apartment. It looked like it's been empty for a long time. Probably since her mom died. She looked back at the vampires trying to figure out how to get rid of them. She couldn't use magic, Marcel would find out and the last thing she needed was dealing with him right now.

She noticed that there was another balcony door, maybe she could get out from there. She climbed down and jumped down on the old mattress that someone threw away. She started walking towards the car waiting for her two blocks away.

You called an uber?-the driver asked

Yes, thank you for waiting-she said with a smile

No problem-he said looking at her-how are you enjoying your stay here?

I am having the best time in my life-she said looking through the window. But the truth was that she hated this town, she always has and always will.

But would you blame her? This town took everything from her, her home, her parents, her family. The only reason she was here was to find out something about Finn's death.
Her uncle and she weren't always on good terms, but he was still there for her when she needed him. And after all, he was her only living relative from her father's side of the family.

Are you going on a cemetery tour or are you visiting someone's grave?-the driver asked

Visiting-she simply answered not wanting to say anything more on the subject

I am sorry for you loss-he said

It was a long time-she said looking at her phone in her hand

It has been ten years since her mother's death, nowadays she can't even remember the sound of her voice. All she has is a few letters and a small teddy bear left from her. Even when she was alive, her mom was always traveling, always on the run from their enemies.

She got out of the car and continued walking towards the cemetery. She noticed a few witches eyeing her when she passed them. But they were harmless, they weren't allowed to practice magic. She found her mom's grave easily, even if this was the second time she was here.

After a few minutes there she left the cemetery and walked to Rousseau's, a bar her father often visited. As soon as she entered the bar, everyone looked at her. She didn't mind the attention, she was used to it by now. 

What can I get you?-the bartender, who was a vampire asked her

French fries-she said with a smirk, she knew the vampire, he was turned by Klaus to spy on Marcel and then he became one of the few people that Marcel trusted.

Bon Appetite-he said with a smile but she could tell he was nervous

Thanks, Joshua-she with a small smile.

On another side of town, a young powerful witch was trying to save four supernatural creatures.

A gasp, the young witch was awoken.

Finally, took you long enough-the brunette beauty said taking a sip from her bourbon.

Who are you?-Freya asked looking around

No time to chitchat-she said helping her get from the coffin- you need to save your family

Hayley, where is she?-Freya asked

That's a story for another time sweetheart-she said putting the spell on the table

The room was filled with the chanting of the Mikaelson witch.

Is it done?-the the brunette asked looking at Freya

Yes-she said approaching Elijah's coffin and injecting the cure in his heart

Save Klaus as soon as possible and leave town-the brunette said as she was leaving

Who are you?-she asked one last time but didn't get an answer

Minutes later Elijah gasped, and the others were awake soon after.

Where are we?-Rebekah asked looking around

New Orleans-Elijah said-we're in New Orleans

Where is Hayley?-Rebekah asked looking at her sister

I don't know, some woman was here, she gave me the spell and all the ingredients, told me to save Klaus and then she left-Freya said looking at her siblings

We don't have much time-someone said and they all turned around

Ansel-Elijah whispered

You know who I am-Ansel smiled looking at them - let's go

Did Hayley send you?-Rebekah asked looking at him-where is she? Why isn't she here?

The blonde was asking numerous questions about Hayley as if she knew something was wrong.

When they finally arrived in the house that was located just outside town, he finally started talking.

Hayley wasn't the one who send me but she was the one who found the cures-Ansel said trying to find a way how to tell them the news.

Where is she then?-Elijah asked

Hayley had an accident a few years back, she was killed by a hunter ten years ago-he said

Hope?-Rebekah asked tears running down her cheeks-where is Hope?

No one knows where she is-he said looking down at his hands-everyone thinks you are dead

What?-Kol asked looking at the man- What does that suppose to mean?

Marcel told everyone that both Elijah's sire and Rebekah's sire links are broken-Ansel said-and then he killed everyone, including Klaus. Hope probably thinks you are all dead.

Why did he do that?-Rebekah asked looking at Ansel

I can't answer that-he said shaking his head

We're saving Klaus tomorrow-Elijah said getting up-and then we're finding my niece

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