Chapter 10:Tour

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Zayns POV

I woke up to a sleepy Perrie by my side since we crashed on the couch last night

Soon I heard my phone buzz and I quickly picked it up not to wake her


To:Zayn,Niall,Liam,Louis,and Harry

Simon:We have an important meeting today come ASAP.

I quickly texted back

Zayn:We're on our way

Then I slowly got off Perrie to not wake her and got ready

It was pretty hard for all of us to not make a sound considering that all of little mix was still asleep

Soon we were all ready and me and Niall went to go kiss our girlfriends foreheads (or whatever Niall did because I kissed Perrie's forehead) and I taped a sticky note on Perries phone to let her know where we are and we went to Syco Records

Perrie's POV

I woke up to no Zayn I though he was probably in the washroom so I grabbed my phone to check Twitter but there was a sticky note attached to it


Me and the boys had a meeting to go to. If you and the girls get hungry help yourself to anything in the fridge


I took the sticky note of and went to the washroom

Right when I got out I saw Jade panicking

"Jade?"I asked her as I walked up to her

"P-Perrie where's Niall?! H-He wasn't there w-when I woke up a-and know I'm starting to w-worry"She said stuttering

I think it's cute how she reacts over Niall

"Calm down Jade, Niall and the boys went to a meeting see"I said as I showed her the sticky note

She took a deep breath and smiled at me

"Thanks Perrie, and sorry for over reacting"She said shyly

"It's alright I would've acted the same way if Zayn hadn't of told me where he went"

We both giggled and went to the kitchen to find something to eat

Nialls POV

We just got into Simons office and I was nervous for what's to come I honestly don't know why it's not like I've done anything bad

Soon Simon finally spoke up

"Boys... I have some good news, and some bad"He said

Oh no... please don't tell me I have to break up with Jade or worse

"The good news is that your going on the Midnight Memories tour"

"The bad is that you won't get to see your girlfriends for a while"Simon said looking at me,Zayn and Liam

That means I'll be apart from Jade! Aw man how am I supposed to break the news to her

Soon Simon interrupted my thoughts and spoke to Louis

"Louis what happened between you and Eleanor?"He asked Louis

Zayn spoke up for Louis since he wasn't talking and said

"Eleanor cheated on Louis"

"With who?" Simom asked

"Riker... Harry" Louis whispered

"What was that Louis?"Simon asked him

"Riker from R5 and Harry!!"Louis shouted pointing at Harry

"Louis she kissed me!!!!"Harry said

Louis was about to attack Harry but me and Liam pulled him back

"Alright boys settle down"Simon said

Louis finally calmed his temper and sat down

"I will speak to the manager of R5 about this and as soon as I do I'll call you Louis... and Harry"He said

"That's all for now'He said and motioned us for the door

We all left Syco Records and gone back to the flat

Soon I walked in the kitchen to see Little mix eating pancakes

I laughed at how Jades pancake was shaped like Minnie Mouse

"Your so adorable you know that"I said kissing her cheek

"Not as adorable as you my little Irish leprechaun"She said wiggling her nose on mine

"There's something I have to tell you"I said and Zayn nodded his head at me while bringing Perrie in the living room

"I'm going on tour... it's exciting and all but I won't get to see you"I said

Zayns POV

That's it Malik stop being a coward and tell Perrie your going on your

"Perrie... I'm going on tour and I won't see you for a long time"I said trying to sound confident but failed

I could see the worry in her eyes which just brought me down

"Zayn..."She said lifting my chin up

"I promise if I get the chance I'll come visit you on tour... and we'd get to face time every day, talk, text whatever you want I'll do it"

I smiled at her and pulled her in for a hug

"I love you Perrie"I whispered in her ear

"I love you too Zayn"She whispered back

Jades POV

Y-your going on tour?"I asked Niall

He nodded with his head down

I pulled his head up to kiss him soon I felt him kiss back

"We'll still bee able to see each other. I promise, we'll make this work"

He smiled at me and pulled me in for a hug

"I love you Jade"He said

"I love you too Niall"I said back

We pulled back and he said

"Hey where's Daisy and Janna?"

"I think there upstairs still sound asleep"I said

"Well let me grab Harry and I'll go give Daisy a proper good morning and Harry can give Janna a proper good morning"He said while kissing my cheek

I smiled at him and he went upstairs


Chapter 10! Yaas!

So anyways lots has happened since I last updated

1:Little Mix won VEVO lift

2:Harry is ill so he can't really song at concerts

3:Little Mix won best band award at the Glamorous Awards

Anyways hope you like chapter 10!

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