Part 1: Confessing

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"This is the craziest night I've ever had Youngbae!" This friend of yours, Youngbae, known to South Korea as Taeyang, took you to Paris with him to see fashion shows and to party.

The night is full of surprises, and you're ready for anything to happen.

Youngbae is the typical celebrity. Parties a little more than he should, attends the most important ceremonies and shows of the year and knows every other idol in South Korea.

"Come with me to the top and help me announce." he said loudly in you ear. You're currently at some posh but insanely big club with him. Youngbae threw a party here to launch his new album, Rise.

"Are you sure?" You were afraid to be up there with everyone looking at you. You didn't ever want to be caught up in Youngbae's fame, but that was already a little too late since you showed up to the place with him.

His fans are very familiar with you since the two of you are so close. Some fans ship both of you, some fans hate you and those were the ones you wanted to be cautious of.

Youngbae gave you a knowing look and you completely trust him, so you took his hand and went up to the balcony with him. You could see a sea of people in the club, everyone dancing, drinking or whatever, they were all having fun.

Even though this night wasn't for you, you still felt nervous to be up there with him. You clinged to his arm while everyone began to quiet down to hear Youngbae.

"Everyone! Thank you for coming out here tonight!" everyone cheered to what Youngbae had to say.

"This album is the most beautiful piece I've made in a while, but this wasn't all just me! I have to thank my brothers in Big Bang. Thank you G-Dragon especially for writing a song with me! My fans, I love you so much and I wouldn't have made this album if it wasn't for you. Thank you to ________, this beautiful lady standing with me right now, she wrote two of the songs on the album and helped me produce them. Thank you, I love you so much." He finished with a big smile on his face.

You were glad to see him so happy.

You both exited the balcony and were led to a back room. Thank god a place to sit.

Youngbae sat next to you and handed you a bottle of water, since the club was so hot and stuffy.

"You know you didn't have to mention me." you admit after sipping on the bottle.

"Don't be ridiculous ________, of course I had to mention you. You worked very hard on this album for me." even though you only wrote and produced two songs, you did work hard on the album.

"Yeah I guess I did." you still didn't want to take credit for any of it.

He rolled his eyes and jumped up from the couch.

"Come on,"

"Where are we going?"

"To my suite. It's too crowded here and we can always party there." You weren't sure what Youngbae's motives were, but you didn't really care. You had already had tons of fun and you're drunk so you'll pretty much do anything he wants at this point.

He grabbed you by the waist to help you keep balance and a security guard led you two out to his car. The outside was filled with paparazzi and screaming fans. Youngbae waved to the fans and went on his way to his car.

Once the two of you were settled, you were off to his suite. After a while you dozed off in the car.

About an hour later, you woke in a nice room that was obviously in his suite. You stepped out into the living room to see Youngbae laying shirtless on the couch. You know something is going to happen with a scenario like this...

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