I won't rely on anyone anymore

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Chapter 1: God I hate the Night Class

A woman with purple long hair stood before me. She had tears streaming down her blood-stained face. "What's wrong?" I asked innocently. She gave me a smile. "We are nothing more than puppets given souls. If you take away the soul, we are just shells of nothingness, and our dreams are left to die." She pointed a gun at me. "Goodbye." I screamed.

I jolted up from cold sweat, panting. 'It's just a dream.' I sat up, and threw off my covers. Great, another day of horribleness.

My name is Mono Nakamura, I'm 16, and go to Cross Academy. I'm a blonde with messy hair just below my chin, a pair of large circular silver glasses on my freckles face, bright red eyes, and I wore a red rabbit hoodie over the uniform. I came later, since I was transfered. I was unnoticeable, and determined to keep it that way.

I don't like a few things here, which include the Night Class, fangirls, and annoying teachers and princaples. Which include all of the above. My roommate, being a complete fangirl. I slipped out without bothering to wake her up. It was still early, about 6:30, and class didn't start till 7:45.

I went outside, walking along a path I couldn't remember being there. No one, not even the Night Class was out. 'Must have gone back to their dorms already.' I thought, standing alone in misty fog, staring up at the sky.

"WHO'S THERE?!" I yelled, feeling eyes on me. I looked around, but no one was there. Then I saw him. It was one of the Night Class, talking to someone in front of a window. They were holding something in a wine glass. 'To bright to be wine... and dark to be juice... Is it blood?!' My eyes widen in surprise. Then they begin to turn, almost as if to look at me.

Spinnin on my heel, I fleed, running back to my dorm. My roommate was in the shower. I turned to the time. 7:15. I shook the stupid thought of blood drinking from my mind. I was just being crazy! I waited for the time to pass by, putting Numb by Linkin Park, it was nightcored and dubstepped.

••••••••••time skip••••••••

In class, I sat next to Zero Kiryuu. Although it wasn't hard, I hated when he slept in class, because he snored a bit. And today, that's what he was doing. "Zero... Zero..." I whispered, shaking him softly. I didn't want to be loud and get him in trouble, but that snoring was annoying me. ".......... WAKE UP IDIOT!" I yelled, using my foot to make him fall out of his seat. Okay, so I got him dention in the end, but at least I'd tried.

After class was over, it was time for the Night Class switch. God did I hate them. They acted to superior over everyone, especially Kaname. He acts so dramatic it's gay. I'll start calling him Kanagay, and see how many fangirl death glares I can get!

As Yuuki was struggling to hold them back alone, I thought of helping, but remained where I stood. The gates finally opened, as fangirls stood in two perfect sidelines. "Hello Ladies! Looking wonderful as always." Aidou said, he began shooting at girls, and the girls fake fainting.

"IS THIS REALLY THE FEMALE POPULATION HERE?!" I wanted to scream. But I just glared at Aidou.

And then he looked at me. He smiled that I'm-a-fake-prince-charming smile, and offered his hand. "You, come here." He said, and just to get it over with, I obeyed. He took hold of my hand, and asked for my name. "Mono Nakamura. And before you ask, no I'm not new. NOW GET YOUR HANDS OF ME YOU PERV!" I yelled the last part, yanking away one hand and punching his cheek with the other. "Ow!" Aidou said. "For a small girl, you punch hard." He mumbled, before walking away holding his cheek. "Nice going Nakamura. That's the first time I've ever seen anyone reject Aidou, let alone punch him!" Zero patted my head, and yelled at everyone to get back to their dorms. I went to follow with the fangirls, when Kaname bumped into me. "Sorry." He apologised. "Watch it Kanagay!" I growled, before stopping off furiously.

•••••••••••••••PlAce SwItch•••••••••••••••••

In the Night Class Aidou was angrily muttering himself. "That's what you get too! I'm glad that one has some sense!" Ruka seemed to scolding him. "I didn't think she'd punch me in MY FACE!" He retorted. "But she seems to hate Kaname... Did you hear what she called him?" Akatsuki Kain said. "She's like the female Zero, except less annoying and pretty." Aidou mumbled. "Why would she hate Kaname?" Asked Rima, then went silent. "She's right out there, we should go asked her." She pointed to a small figure against a tree. She appeared to be asleep, with purple headphones in her ears, and that red hoodie flopping over her face. Then she abruptly raised her head, looking straight at the Night Class. "Ok, that's a little off. Wasn't she just asleep?" Takuma asked. The girl seemed to raise an eyebrow at this, and mouthed something, before turning away and walking toward the gate. "Where is she going?" Seiren even seemed slightly interested. "Takuma. Seiren. Come with me." Kaname finally spoke, standing up and walking to the door.

•••••BAK TO MONO!!!!•••••••••••

I kept walking toward the gate. The Night Class was just staring at me that entire time! Creepers.

I continued on until I reached the gate, and was about to hope over when. "What are you doing?" And there was his gayness himself. "None of your BUSSINESS you nosy-" I was caught of by Seiren. "I think it is our business if you're trying to leave the school. No one is permitted to leave the school on weekdays unless a family emergency." I glared at her. "Just stay out of it okay? It's something I have to do. Do you think I want to get up this early and go somewhere? No I don't. So just leave me alone already!" I yelled, and Kaname grabbed my hand. That set me off.


I absolutely HATE the Night Class, and I want Kaname Kuran to take his gay self and to jump off a cliff!

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