Chapter 14

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I woke up colder than usual and hear the birds tweeting much louder. I opened my eyes to grey skies and unexpected surroundings. I was still in the park. And I was still sitting on Luke. My eyes went wide and I shot up from my seat on his lap causing him to stir in his sleep. I looked at him and realised he looked perfect. His hair had flattened and his nose was tinted pink. That's when I had noticed it was freezing out and Luke had no jacket on because he had leant it to me. I felt so guitly. I walked closer to him and put a hand on his cheek stroking my thumb over his slight stubble.

"Luke?" I whispered slowly, close to him. His eyes flickered slowly and he squinted slightly from the sudden light.

"Uh, hey." His voice was raspy and he sounded so cute with his sleepy self.

"Are you cold?" I questioned, sitting on the swing next to him and beginning to take off the over sized hoodie.

"No I'm fine, keep it on it suits you." He smiled at me sweetly and held his hand out for me to hold and I accepted it as always. "What's the time?"

That's when I realised I had been out all night without telling my mum where I was going and I had school today. She must be going crazy. I stood up and pulled my phone out of my pocket and it only just had enough charge in it.

"It's almost nine, Luke! We have school and my mum has no idea where I am...she'll assume I'm with you and she'll probably hate you, fu-" I yelled out in panic but Luke cut me off as usual and gabbed my wrists.

"Lex, pretty girls don't swear." He smirked at me not seeing the seriousness of the situation.

"Luke do you not care?! My mum's probably going nuts right now and the fact neither of us are in school will make her almost definitely hate you, how can you be ok with that?!" I was almost too serious but he needed to see that these things were important.

"Calm down! It will be ok in the end."

"Luke not everything is carefree, I actually care about how people feel even if I did have a row with my mum last night." I may have sounded a little too harsh on him but it was early and he needed to respect this is how I am, take it or leave it.

"Lex, I'm sorry but I just think you're over exaggerating just a little, babe." He sounded too confident with the words as if I was his and no matter how much I liked him - or thought I liked him - I didn't respect it one bit.

"Don't call me that." I had a stern look on my face to let him know I wasn't in the mood for him in this way. I unzipped the hoodie as quickly as possible and chucked it at him speeding off out of the park. I heard Luke groan behind me and his footsteps going faster to catch up.

"Lexieee." He dragged out my name sounding irritated like a small child.

"Leave me alone. You don't understand!" I yelled back sounding like I was going to cry. Blame hormones.

"Don't understand what?!" He grabbed my arm and turned me around stopping me from my tracks.

"My mums the only person I have. I don't want her to hate me as well as everyone else in my life!" Tears started to roll down my cheek which felt like the thousandth time this week. I yanked my arm away from his grasp and ran back to my car, not caring to see if Luke was following. I drove home as quickly as possible tears still falling from my eyes.

I ran into the house and I saw my mum standing in the kitchen, black lines shown clear under her hazel eyes. I ran to her and hugged her tight; tears still spilling uncontrollably. She stroked my head to comfort me.

"Mum- I'm - so - sorry" I cried, unable to speak as my breathing had become uneven from all the tears. "Please don't hate me!"

"I'd never hate you Hun!" She held me tighter and then let go of me slowly. Leading me through to the living room making me sit on the sofa. She left the room for a short minute returning with two mugs in her hand one filled with hot chocolate which made me smile.

"Here." She handed over the mug and sat down on the long sofa on the opposite side to me. "Now what happened?"

I decided not to tell her about Luke because he didn't need to be on her bad side anymore than he already is.

"I- I just decided to stay in my car all night and the guilt built up...I didn't see the time until about 10 minutes ago...I didn't mean to skip the beginning of school and stuff." I sobbed holding the hot cup near my face.

"Oh..I wasn't expecting that." I knitted my eyebrows together not understanding her words.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"I...just assumed you'd be with that..boy." She said with judgement in her voice. She scrunched up her nose which made anger boil inside of me.

"That boy I happen to really like." I defended.

"And that boy I don't respect you hanging around." She shot back.

"Mum if you met him you'd see how happy he makes me!"

"Lexie you can't be serious..."

"Well I am. I'm gunna go get ready for school, better not miss anymore since I've already skipped SO much." I mocked her and stormed out of the room.

I had a shower since I needed to ease my stress from this morning with Luke and my mum. Plus the fact I stayed outside all night. It annoyed me that my mum and Luke didn't respect each other. I got ready and walked out the door to my car which was still parked round the corner.

"Lexie?" I jumped from surprise. Luke walked towards me, his voice hopeful and sounding sad.

"Jesus, Luke, don't do that." I held my hand up to my chest from the shock and continued to look at him.

"Sorry...are you actually mad at me?"

"Not really, I was just a bit stressed I guess."

"That's good. Are you going to school now?"

"Well yeah I kinda have too." I said casually. This small talk was making me feel awkward.

"Can we go together then?" He asked clearly trying not to irritate me.

"I'm serious, I'm pretty sure you only like me for my car." I laughed and pulled open my car door, nodding my head to the other side of the car tell Luke to get in and he did just that. We both hopped in, I looked at him and he gave me a small smile.

"I really am sorry if I upset you." He grabbed my hand and I smiled for a second before looking down at our intertwined fingers. He brought my hand up to his face and kissed it softly. "Let's get to school, the quicker it finishes the sooner tomorrow will come and we can go on our date." He showed off his dimples and I looked ahead blushing, before driving off.


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