Purity the Wanderer

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Hi so I know it's been forever since I posted anything in this art book
But I actually haven't drawn anything for real in a while cause I've been working on character refs that I FINALLY finished!

So this is for a fanfic of a fandom called Fantasy Life that no one knows she's my... original main character?? I mean this is an RPG game so I mean she's an OC but not the character you'd play as cause this is a "failed timeline" as someone called it so the main character didn't succeed but she is the hero once he fails

Her name's Purity "the Wanderer" AKA butterfly
But none of these are her real name lol

My dad keeps inverting all my character genders????? He called Nathen a girl once and called Purity a boy

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My dad keeps inverting all my character genders????? He called Nathen a girl once and called Purity a boy... and then my mom got all worked up cause I was playing with one of my school friends that is a boy for like 6 hours earlier...? UGH PARENTS WHY YOURE OVERTHINKING AND GENDER SWITCHING EVERYTHING

Soooo yeah. Purity's the highest rank you can get non-DLC (which can't even work in this timeline so it's still vanilla) cause she has the Hero Mercenary armor and the Master Mercenary Sword.
Nothing to do with Legend of Zelda

I'm proud of my lineart (that I just realized i forgot to take a picture of) but I'm always insecure about coloring and/or gray scaling...
I can only hair texture and I'm jealous of those who can actually draw metal accurately

Also, how does one action pose with a sword that's nearly as big as the character in game?!
If I drew the sword in front of her, you probably wouldn't be able to see both ends, or maybe just barely. It might be squished. So please forgive the fact that the sword is weird and flat and curved I was trying for some anime-movement stuff IDK...

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