chapter 3

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The next morning soon came. Holly and Poppy are grooming Nevermore.

"Wow, Poppy, this paint is hard to get off." Holly told her sister.

"Tell me about it, Holly," Poppy replied. "And we're almost out of scale polish!"

Spyro soon came over to the group.

"Good morning, Spyro." Atticus smiled to his dragon.

"Morning, Dad." Spyro said.

Cherry snickered.

"Shut up." Atticus muttered to her.

Cherry looked away with an innocent smirk.

"Hi, Auntie Cherry." Spyro said.

"Oh, that's not cool." Cherry groaned.

Atticus just laughed out loud.

"Shut up!" Cherry snapped.

"Shall we go see Midnight and Nevermore?" Spyro asked as he yawned and stretched as he was eager to see his new dragon friends.

"Sure, but I think Nevermore might still be having trouble with the paint." Atticus said.

"Paint is a bit of a hassle to get out," Mo agreed. "In our Art Class, I usually have to wash my hands more than showering in Ms. Magrooney's gym class when she makes us run laps."

"Maybe some magic will help." Patch said.

"It's worse a shot," Atticus replied. "I'm sure the O'Hair twins are in quite a pickle themselves."

And, of course, he was right. They came to see Rapunzel's daughters as they struggled with Nevermore. The female dragon was alarmed by the dropping of the water bucket and started trashing the room. Spyro soon got in her way and the two of them accidentally kissed. Both of them seemed to blush at that while the O'Hair twins looked shocked.

"Um, s-so, I'm guessing you don't like water?" Spyro smiled bashfully to Nevermore.

"I just get so scared," Nevermore sighed shakily. "I'm a bit of a cowardly dragon."

"I can tell that you have a courage inside you just waiting to be let out." Spyro smiled.

"I just wish that I could..." Nevermore sighed.

"I know that you can," Spyro looked into her eyes with encouragement and bravery as always. "You just have to believe in yourself. When things go down, there's only one way left to go, and that is up!"

Nevermore soon took a deep breath and let it out.

"There you go!" Spyro smiled. "You can do this, I believe in you!"

"Thank you, Spyro," Nevermore smiled back with a blush. "Um, but maybe it would help if you would stay by my side while they give me my bath."

"You wouldn't mind?" Spyro asked shyly.

"Not at all," Nevermore replied. "Uh, as long as you don't mind."

"I don't mind." Spyro replied back.

Nevermore and Spyro then smiled to each other.

"Poppy, we're gonna need some kind of armor if we're gonna stay in the dragon grooming biz." Holly told her twin sister.

"Uh-huh, but I think Nevermore is going to settle down now." Poppy replied.

Spyro nodded.

In the castleteria...

"Man, I'm starving, I could eat anything," Cherry groaned. "I haven't eaten since last week."

"Let's see what there is to eat." Mo suggested.

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