We are fine... right?

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Malibu, California
2018, February 07 Wednesday
09 : 08 pm

Malibu, California 2018, February 07 Wednesday 09 : 08 pm

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Rihanna Fenty

I was awaken by soft kisses placed on my face, I fell asleep on my office chair in the study I have at home. I fluttered my eyes opened and found my wife straddling me with a huge smile on her face. I missed that.

"Baby" she said very softly, made my spine shiver a little.

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her even closer making her giggle a bit.

"When did you get here?" I asked her, she brushed on my cheek softly. She had a warm look in her eyes that matched the smile on her lips.

"Um... I just got here a few minutes ago. You're so cute sleeping" I chuckled a bit

"Uh huh" She cheesed. I placed a gentle on her lips making her moan a bit, Damn that was sexy.

"I missed you so much pumpkin" she said softly, I perked her lips again without saying anything back.

"I missed you too angel, you got a nigga yearning for you and shit" she giggled at that. I missed touching her and it's only been 3 days.

"That's good. Means that you weren't here doing stupid shit that you might regret" she said smartly

"Mhm like clubbing with your closeted friend?" I responded smartly, I expected a come back but she kept quiet. That's weird

"What's wrong?" I asked her, she looked at me for a while then sighed before perking my lips

"Nothing, I shouldn't have gone out with her. I'm sorry for making you angry" that shocked me, I expected a smart come back and I got an apology?

"Did something happen Bey? You can tell me" I said, she tensed up for a second but brushed it off cause she thinks I didn't notice

"Nothing happened babe, really" she said. She wasn't being honest with me but I wasn't going to twist her arm, the truth always comes out. Baby girl can't hold a secret for shit

My baby and I took a shower together and of course I swam deep in her guts. She had to bit on my shoulder to control her moans, shit hurt like hell.


2018, February 10 Saturday
09 : 16 am

The children were away for the weekend and my baby and I have been fucking every chance we got like we're supposed to. We fucked in every spot we could find, even outside the backyard.

I don't know why but I really want to get her pregnant again. I wanna be in the delivery room helping her push. I want her to get mad at me and swear to kill my dumb ass for getting her pregnant. I want to hear our baby cry for the first time and cut the umbilical cord.

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