Matt x reader 4

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Matt stood outside his apartment door, excited. He'd gotten out of work early, so he was planning on surprising you. He had even stopped by the CVS down the street and got your favorite ice cream.

Before he went in, he checked the ice cream. It hadn't melted yet, perfect!

He opened the door in a grandiose fashion and called out, "Guess who got off work early!"

You were not so enthusiastic. In the time he was gone you had gotten sick. You curled yourself up under about a billion blankets on the couch, and had been watching stupid tv shows all day.

"Shhh... I have a headache..." You groaned and stretched yourself out on the couch dramatically.

Matt had known you were getting sick, which was why he wanted you to take the day off of work.

"Would ice cream help?" Matt asked and held up the bag. He was extremely pleased with himself for getting the right kind this time.

"Oh my gosh, Matt! You're so awesome!" You exclaimed when you saw it.  You moved some of the blankets off the couch and scooted over to make room for Matt.

Matt quickly went to the kitchen, grabbed two spoons, and came back to sit by you.

You ripped open the ice cream lid. Ahhh, it was gonna be so good. You took a spoon from Matt and dug in.

"By the way, um, Karen and Foggy are coming over," Matt cleared his throat.

You stopped eating for a moment and blurted out, "what?!"

Matt knew you probably didn't want anyone to come over to see you in your, um, sickly state, but he, foggy, and Karen had to work.

"We have to do some paperwork for an appointment tomorrow. It's annoying, but it has to be done." Matt sighed and used his spoon to get a large chunk of ice cream.

You couldn't be mad, since he had gotten you ice cream and all. "That's okay. As long as Foggy doesn't tell that stupid joke again, I hate it. It's not even funny but he tells it even time like its the funniest thing in the world, and Karen laughs everytime."

Matt threw his head back laughing. "I love that joke, it's hilarious!!"

"You have to stop encouraging him!" You smacked Matt playfully on the chest.

"Stop encouraging who?"
Speak of the devil, there was Foggy by the door. Matt had given him a key so he could come and go whenever.

"No one!" You spoke before Matt could tell the truth.

Foggy rolled his eyes. "You two are weird."

Karen, who was behind him, side stepped so she fit into the apartment. "I think they're cute!"

Foggy went red. It was so obvious he had a crush on Karen.

"Hey, is that Matt's fancy work blazer?" Karen caught sight of your outfit.

It was true, you had adorned Matt's jacket while he was gone. It was his nice one, the one he wore to court.

"Wait, you're wearing my blazer?" Matt asked, leaning away from you. "Why?"

You thought of a quick lie. "I wanted to feel fancy."

Your lie was so ridiculous, foggy couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Aw come on, what's the real reason?" Matt nudged you.

You were a little shy to say it in front of his friends. "I missed you while you were at work. This was the only thing I could find that smelled like you." You blushed and looked down at the ground.

Foggy and Karen burst out simaltaenously saying, "Aww!" They looked at each other and started laughing.

"You guys are just jealous." Matt spoke confidently as he wrapped an arm around your shoulder. "As the kids would say, we're hashtag goals."

Karen put her purse down on the table and started rifling through it. "How in the hell do you know what a hashtag is?"

Matt just smiled.

Foggy was looking at you two admirably. "You two really are so cute though. I wish I had a relationship like that." You noticed he sent a quick glance to Karen, but you held your tongue.

"We know!" Matt squeezed you tightly.

The pressure made you start coughing and you reached for a Kleenex to wipe your nose. You knew you looked gross but you were too sick to give a fuck.

"Um, on second thought, never mind." Foggy said, making a face at your hacking fit.

You pretended to be shocked. "What?! You don't think this is sexy?" You gave exaggerated cough with some wheezes added in, and Matt gently rubbed your back.

"That is definitely not sexy." Foggy grimaced, and much to his horror Matt leaned over and kissed your cheek.

"Matt, you better not get any of us sick," Karen warned. Matt already had a feeling he was coming down with something, but he didn't mind because he got to take care of you.

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