1 - The Worst Day

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Well, I don't usually do author's notes at the beginning of my stories, but I'm going to try it in this one. I just want to tell everyone how many words it is, so if they're reading it they can finish the chapter. Because I hate when I'm reading a Wattpad story and I didn't finish the chapter because I had to do something else and then I had to reread it because I forgot the first part. Anyways, I'm rambling. But I hope you guys like the story and I love y'all~

(You guys that read this when I published it before... I unpublished it so I could rewrite some parts because I wanted to change the story line and parts didn't match up before. Sorry! The only part that changed was the end on chapter 5. Thanks 🤦🏻‍♀️)
-Wise Out

Word Count: 1576

--Keith's POV--

I walked into the dance studio that day. Who knew that it was going to be the worst day for the rest of my whole life. My brother, Shiro, ran the dance studio. He's the one that introduced me to dance. Ever since his parents adopted me as their foster kid, Shiro and I got really close. It took us awhile, mostly because I had many trust issues.

"Hey, Shiro," I said as I walked into the back to get properly dressed to start practice. I heard him mumble something, but I already walked off. I took my jeans and my sweatshirt off in my favorite corner of the changing room. I opened my locker and took out my sweatpants and my loose tank top. I started putting on my sweatpants when I heard someone else opening a locker quietly. I saw the boy around, but I didn't really know him that well. Shiro was his dance instructor too, but I thought that I was the last one of the day. The boy saw me looking and we met eyes. I looked away quickly and put on my tank top.

I looked over at him again before I walked out. He was taking off his shirt, and he was ripped. He was kind of the same as me, and it was kind of weird. We basically had the same body except I was shorter and paler and he was tanned. He saw me looking again. I started getting embarrassed and my face started getting red. I think he noticed, but he didn't say anything. I turned the other way and walked out of the changing room. Shiro saw my face was red and starred, smirking at me. That's one thing that Shiro knew about me, I'm gay.

"Hey, I thought I was the last one today?" I said while I was stretching and trying to ignore Shiro's weird facial expressions.

"You are. I'll explain when Lance gets out here," Shiro said happily. I rolled my eyes. I started doing some flips and some flexibility stretches. I did a backbend and kicked myself back over and walked on my hands over to Shiro. He laughed like he always does. The boy named Lance walked out and I flipped back over and got up.

"Okay, guys! I have very great news for both of you. So you both know that at our next competition at Galra Inc. there is a duet portion. So, I wanted our team to have the first both guy duet there! And... since both of you have been struggling with your sexualities and both of you are some of my best dancers. I thought it was perfect!" Shiro exclaimed with excitement. Did he just tell this boy that I was struggling with my sexuality? Wait... he's struggling with his?

Both of us didn't say anything. I haven't heard Lance talk and he hasn't heard me either. Lance looked really embarrassed for Shiro saying that.

"Shiro, if we're both struggling with our sexualities why would you say it out loud?" I said like a moody teenager and rolled my eyes. Shiro rolled his eyes back and patted both of us on the back.

"Anyway, this is going to be a contemporary duet. So please, both of you focus. This is a very great opportunity and you worked hard to get here, don't ruin it." Shiro said, as he clapped his hands together once and walked to the center of the dance room.

"To be able to do contemporary together you will have to lift each other throughout the song. So get rid of comfort zones. So we will practice by doing the waltz. I also saw this in both of you, Lance is good at learning the moves by doing them and Keith is good at learning the moves by watching. So Lance will lead and Keith will follow," Shiro said in a teacher manner, "PIDGE PLAY WALTZ!" The music started playing softly and nicely. Pidge was our music/tech person. She always fixed equipment and stuff like that. In other words, she can hear every single conversation in this entire building. Which is pretty scary because I met her a couple few times.

Lance walked up to me and took my hand gently. We placed one hand palm to palm. I rested a hand on his shoulder and he rested his hand on the shoulder blade. I looked into Lance's eyes. They were a bright blue and very beautiful. I looked down to his lips and he was counting the beats in the song, silently. Then he nodded at me and I nodded back. He started the box step and I followed.

"Hold on, stop, stop," Shiro said, as we both stepped away from each other. Shiro put us both right in front of each other again. He put our palms together. Then he took Lance's hand it put it around my waist, and then he took my hand and wrapped it around Lance's neck. Then Shiro stepped back.

"Okay, much better. Now begin when you're ready." Shiro said, as I seen Lance's lips moving again, with no sound. He started and I followed. It was close. We were close. And then it happened. I got hard. The worst thing that could possibly happen, happened. Wait, nevermind it wasn't the worst thing. Lance noticed because it was literally rubbing on his leg, so he lost count and collapsed on top of me. With his leg right below my hard dick, rubbing against it. I came in my pants. Because of a hot ass boy. What is wrong with me?

"I'm so sorry. I-I-I lost c-count." Lance spoke, for the first time. His voice was beautiful. It sounded like a bunch of angels had just ascended down to earth. I started getting embarrassed. I ran. I ran away into the changing room and into the bathroom stall in the back. I went into one of the smaller ones and locked the door. I sat on the back of the toilet and put my knees up and my head down. I can't do this.

--Lance's POV--

"What happened?" Shiro asked as he was about to run after Keith. I grabbed Shiro's arm, and he looked back at me. He stopped and I let go.

"Uh... he popped a boner. And I lost my count because I felt his... you know... on my leg. Then I lost my balance, and my leg kinda went right under his... yeah... and I think he came in his sweats..." I said awkwardly. Shiro made the 'o' shape with his mouth.

"I'll go get him some new clothes. I bought some new outfits for this next quarter and I happen to have some new underwear. So I'll be right back." I said as I walked into the changing room.

--Keith's POV--

I heard someone come in. I hope it's just Shiro. I hope it's not Lance. Then all of a sudden new boxers with the tags still on and spandex shorts were thrown under the door of the stall I was in.

"Hey, I had some new clothes that you can have. I just want to make it up to you. I feel bad." Lance spoke, with his slick, thick Spanish accent. I got up from the back of the toilet. I took my cum stained underwear and sweats that I had on, off. I put on the new boxers that were just the right size. Then I put on the spandex shorts. I threw the old underwear in the metal box on the side of the stall where girls put their blood bombs.

I walked out of the stall and Lance was waiting. I tried to ignore him, but mostly because I didn't want to get hard again. From what you could tell, you know that I can get hard very, very easily. With this spandex, you will definitely know when I do. I washed my hands and dried them off with paper towels.

"Hey, are you okay?" Lance said as I walked over to him looking down at the ground. I didn't say anything. He put his thumb on my chin and pointed my head up, so I had to look at him. I didn't know what to do. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. It was magical. He kept looking at my lips and back at my eyes. My lips were slightly opened because of his thumb on my chin. He then pressed his soft lips against my chapped ones. I was surprised and I didn't kiss back I just stood there in my own shock. He took his thumb off my chin and started walking out.

"Uh, let's go back. We don't want to keep Shiro waiting." Lance said, simply as he walked out and I followed.

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