Ch 2: Vive La Russie!

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Sorry it's been long for the update everyone, but summer semester of school started back up. I hope you enjoy this chapter. Just remember that this universe is in an alternate timeline, so historical figures, places, agencies, events, etc. may be changed.


Scarlet's POV

Great, as if things couldn't get any better! I was now on a plane headed to Russia with my squad mates and ex-lover in the package of a sexy, stubborn Russian alpha male. Did I happen to mention that I was majorly cranky from having to suddenly pack and getting in a car to drive from Vegas to LA in hectic traffic? Not to mention barely getting any sleep, which made me look like a zombie as I was going through the airport. I was pissed off, hungry, and almost passed out from a low blood sugar attack. Luckily, we were boarded in a private plane, so I guess things weren't as dramatic as I made it sound.

Cyan shouted out, "Isn't this great? I was really looking forward to a vacation!" Everyone would either glare at her, roll their eyes, or not pay attention. I was reading a book and trying to fall asleep. I mean the travel time from LA to Moscow would take almost 13 hours, and it would be great if I could sleep.

"I can't wait to get to use my new fur coat!" Forest squeed. That pissed Magenta off because she didn't like real fur or leather because of animal cruelty. I decided to not get involved and try to sleep. Well, that was until I felt a hand brushing across mine. Of course it had to be Andrei!

"Katya," he huskily said, "you seem nervous. Is everything okay?"

I rolled my eyes. "Everything's perfect besides we're going to Russia where's it's freakin' cold. I'll probably be the only black woman there, so I'll be an easy target to snipers. Oh, did I neglect to mention that we're going there to examine the body of one of our dead friends, who got killed by a deranged woman-hater psycho loony nut case?!"

Andrei smirked at me. "Yep, you're totally nervous. Wanna know a secret?"

"What?" I said. "I'm just dying to know?"

He looked away for a second and said, "I'm afraid to fly on planes, so I have more right to be nervous than you."

I started to laugh, but I noticed he was serious. "You never told me that." Now I felt bad because although I had valid complaints to why this trip was definitely not making me a happy camper, Andrei was probably freaking out that we would all die a la Final Destination plane crash style.

"Yeah, " he started. "I've always had a fear of riding on planes since being a little boy. It would embarrass my dad. Whenever I would fly with him on business trips, I would cry, yell, and beg him to not take me on the plane. He'd tell me to man up and stop because of all the people staring. Not my intention to make him look bad, I just hated the planes. But I would finally get on and try not to think about it. If Anya was with me, she'd let me hold her hand, give me her coloring book, and make me color to take mind off it and tell me 'It's okay, Andy, we don't crash. Dad and God will keep us safe.' And it would work. It's gotten better but there's times when Anya would not be here and I need her hand, and I would just grip handrest and try not to think about crashing."

Andrei looked away in shame. Now I really felt bad because I knew now he wanted to hold my hand to keep himself calm. I smiled and gave him my hand. "I'll be your armrest." He held my hand and I was finally able to go to sleep.



I could feel myself being shaken. I woke up out of my haze and saw Andrei shaking. "Hello, bedhead. We're here."

I rolled my eyes and said, "Too bad I didn't wake out of a bed."

He looked at me and said, "We will soon. I make arrangements while you slept to have hotel save our rooms."

"Great," I said. "Where are we going?"

Andrei smirked at me and put his hands behind his head. I wanted to seriously slap him. "It's surprise. But don't worry. I know you don't like surprises, but this is good. Trust me!"

I just looked at him skeptically and trusted his judgment. For once. He handed me my carry-ons and said ladies first. If only he'd be more of a gentleman and carry one of my bags, but luckily they were light. We all got off the plane and made our way inside the Sheremetyevo International Airport to terminal D. We got our bags and went into two cabs Andrei had reserved earlier for us. In one taxi, was him, Magenta, and I. In the other one was Raven, Forest, and Cyan. We didn't plan to stay too long in Russia. Just about 3-4 days, one of which would be spent in a mystery hotel Andrei got for us, and the rest in his Moscow apartment.

I was just taking in the sights of the night life and getting absorbed in the lights. Soon, we arrived at a large hotel called The Peking. It was pretty well known in Russia for efficient staff, rooms, and other services. I guess Andrei did come through after all. We had three superior double rooms reserved. We split up into teams and what a shocker- guess who my partner was?

But I didn't care because all I was concerned with was having a hot date with the right side of the bed and having a nightmare-less night.


End. Comment and vote please. I'll try to have the next chapter up tomorrow or some time over the weekend.

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