Rescue Bots: Carsii

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Basic Information:

Name: Carsii

Nickname: Si

Age: 26

Birth: Unknown

Death: N/A

Personality: Calm, quite, watchful, quite, sometimes secretive


Race/Species: Cybertronian

Gender: Femme/Female

Height: About 22ft (670.56 cm)

Weight: About 3 tons

Protoform Color: Chrome-ish color

Color Scheme: Black and violet

Eye Color: Sapphire blue

Build: Small frame

Distinguishing marks: None


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Role within the Story: Rescue bot

Occupation: Rescue bot, undercover agent

City Born in/City Currently living in: Unknown, currently living in Griffin Rock

Sparkling-hood: Second created sparkling. She grew up as a normal sparkling, going to rescue work while her older sibling went into the Elite Guard.


                     Mother/Mothers: Quake

                     Father/Fathers: Blade

                    Brother/Brothers: Typhoon (Deceased). Typhoon (Clone, Decepticon)

                   Sister/Sisters: Fury (Typhoon's minicon)

Immediate: None

Extended: Unknown


                             Friends: Heatwave, Chase, Blades, Bolder, Bumblebee, Optimus Prime (Civil friendship), Arcee, Cliffjumper (Till he was terminated), Bulkhead,

                           Foes/Main Rival: Typhoon (clone), Starscream

                          Romantic: None at the moment

Habit/Mannerisms/Quarks: Tends to speak in Spanish when infuriated

Internal Conflicts: The loose of her brother, seeing a Decepticon clone of her brother, self-battle between continuing her rescue work or continuing as an undercover agent, her fear of not being able to protect everyone

External Conflicts: Having to act like a robot (Much like Heatwave), her tendency to speak in Spanish when she is infuriated.

Fears: Loosing Fury, not choosing the right choice, not being able to protect everyone

Weakness: Fury, the clone of Typhoon

Strengths: Silence, observation, tactical, speed

History: She was trained as a rescues bot. Her speed was a high demand for many rescue teams, but she stayed at home. During the war, Carsii stayed behind on Cybertron when most rescue teams left. She was on a mission when she had gotten a call that her bother, Typhoon, was killed during a Decepticon raid on his training camp. She later retrieved his minicon, Fury, and took her in as a sister. During the exodus, she and Fury left Cybertron and floated in space. They soon landed on Earth before Rescue Team Sigma-17 landed. She and Fury where assigned, by Optimus Prime, to be undercover agents to flush out the Decepticons located in Mexico. That is where she and Fury learned Spanish. After Rescue Team Simga-17 landed on Earth, Carsii and Fury where reassigned to the team. But they still had their undercover work and was given an old Military base as their base of operations. And now, Carsii is living with the Barns family helping with rescues, as she also focuses on making sure there are no Decepticons coming to attack with her brother's minicon, Fury.


Favorite Quote: "Silence is a source of great strength."

Favorite weapon of choice: Sniper, daggers

Battle cry: None

Combat Style: Sniper, assassination (Doesn't typically fight however)

Skills: Speed, observation, tactical, silence

Abilities: Rescue work, observation, tactical

Hobbies: Riding around, watching the Earth's sun set, Star gazing

Likes: Rescue work, undercover work, The sun set, the stars,

Dislikes: The Decepticons (For making a clone of her brother, mostly), disrespectful people (Can hide it well), bullies, snobby people

Voice (This May include Voice Actors/Actresses): N/A

Theme Songs:

Main Theme Song: "Still Here" by Digital Daggers

Battle: "Rise" By State of Mine

Romantic: "Pieces" by Red

Morbid/Depressive: "Tears of an Angle" by RyanDan

Happy/Joyous: "Really Don't Care" by Cher Lloyd

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