Koren Prime

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(The picture above is her human form, and her holoform as well

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(The picture above is her human form, and her holoform as well. The two go hand in hand really)

Name: Koronous (Koren) Prime (AKA Koren Pax)

Age: (In vorns) 22 (as a human) 14 like (Earth years) 2, 350

Creation Date: (As a human) August 14, 2002 (N/A for Cybertronian date)

Faction: Autobot

Alternate Mode: Flier-Helicopter

Main Function: Gladiator, Cyber Ninja, Front-liner, Tactician

Color Scheme: Pink, Blue, and chrome (Basically it's like silver, but more, shinier, I guess)

Optic Color: Light baby blue

Weapons: Twin blades stored in servos, twin blasters stored in servos, her blades can turn into to swords, signal shielding technology, Force Shield technology

Hobbies/likes: Reading, playing video games with the children

Dislikes: Decepticons, isolation

Strengths: Hand to hand combat, leader like, gets along with most

Fears/Weakness: Being alone, can be immature at times due to her human part of her, can be overprotective at times (Only to those she truly cares for and worried about)

Relationships: Optimus Prime (Brother), Megatron (Once love & foe), Arcee (Best femme friend), Bumblebee and Bulkhead (Best mech friends), Ratchet (Sire like figure, as well as a best friend), Miko, Jack, and Raf (Human best friends)

Family: Optimus Prime (Brother)

Sparkling-hood: (As a Cybertronian) Not knowing her Sire and Carrier was, she was raised by her older brother. She had always wanted to see the pits, and one day left without permission and went to the pits. There she meet the mech who would train her in secret and one day fall in love with. When the war started, she left her brother, thinking he betrayed her, only to become a prime like him.

Education: Since she was raised by her brother, she was also taught by Alpha Trion. Though at the same time, she was trained by the most famous and most powerful gladiator.

Career: She never became a librarian like her older brother, but had become a gladiator like her teacher in the pits. She loved being a gladiator better than a librarian.

The war: After the war began, she left her brother, thinking he betrayed her and left with the one she loved. She later became a Prime like her brother, forcing her to join the Autobots after her love kicked her out. She later becomes part of Team Prime after a battle between Megatron and Optimus Prime.

Personality: Kind, caring, feisty at times, protective, alert, cheerful, childish at times, mellow

Miscellaneous Facts: Tends to sing in the shower (as a human), has a sparkling caused by the Matrix of Friendship, hates her weaknesses (Being a gladiator in all), wishes things could back to the way there were though knowing the will never happen, has a dark side and it calls itself Korein

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