10 Years Later

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"You'll be at church tonight right, babe?" I was on the phone with Maxwell. He seemed nervous about something.

"Yeah of course I will. Max it's the church we started and I'm one of the youth leaders." I laughed as I paid the worker at the drive through and took a sip of my coffee.

"Okay. You'll be on time and everything?" He questioned. I pulled out of the drive through.

"When am I ever late to youth group?" I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"Okay. Just making sure." He responded. His nervousness in his voice was making me nervous. I was trying to think of a reason he'd be nervous but couldn't come up with one. I wanted to ask what he was nervous about but decided against it.

"Okay, I've got to get to work Max. Love you." I pretended to blow a kiss. He told me he loved me back and said he couldn't wait to see me.

I walked into my mom's house and talked to her for a while. Then we started setting up for youth group. Max and I started a church in our homes, it's been growing so we had to move it to my mom's, she has a bigger house. To me church isn't a building, it's a group of people who follow Jesus gathering. There isn't really a leader but we do have youth 'leaders' for youth group.

I was vacuuming the carpet when Abigail walked in, home from school. She was thirteen and in middle school by now. Crazy. She hung her backpack up on the bag rack and gave me a hug.

"How was school?" I asked her tucking her hair that fell out of her pony tail behind her hair.

"Meh. School." She chuckled. I smiled softly.

"Would you make some cookies for youth group tonight?" I asked her, smiling.

"Yeah! I'd love to!" She excitedly ran to the kitchen and began getting it the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies.

Everything was ready so the three of us waited for people to show up.

The doorbell rang and I opened the door to Lily. She was a freshman with an amazing voice. She sung for worship with the band.

"Hey Lily, come on in. We're still waiting for more people to show up. There's snacks and cookies and what not that you can snack on.

"Thanks Chloe!" I welcomed her in and she headed for the cookies.

"Clarice! You made it!" I smiled giving her a hug and welcoming her in.

"Yep! I've been trying to make it to youth group and church more." She smiled. Clarice had survived cancer after ten years of battling it. She hung out with Emily, Mackenzie, Maxwell, and I all through high school.

Eventually, everyone showed up; we were just waiting for Maxwell. We had to start worship without him, but he came in soon after we finished.

"Sorry I'm late!" He called from the front room as he closed the door behind him.

We went through the rest of youth group per usual until the end, Maxwell was acting nervous again.

"So we'll close it at that tonight I guess! Anyone want to add anything or talk about anything else?" I questioned.

"If that's all I'd love to lead the prayer." Clarice announced. No one had anything else to add so we prayed it to end out group at that.

Before everyone could go their separate ways to chat, eat or leave Maxwell stood up.

"Before everyone leaves I have to say something." He walked over to me and held my hand, rubbing it and looking at it, then his eyes looked deep into my eyes. "Chloe. Ever since I saw you standing up for Jesus in science class in freshman year, I wanted to meet you. Even if I didn't know Jesus back then I was still interested. I started searching for him and came to you for help I found Jesus with your help. Later on I ended up having a crush on you and the feeling was mutual." He smiled softly, but still nervousness was clear in his eyes, but so was excitement. "Chloe, you are so sweet, kind, loving and caring. You love God and stay strong in your faith. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." I placed the hand he wasn't holding over my mouth and my eyes widened. He knelt down on one knee and reached for his back pocket. Once my hand was out of his hand I placed both hands over my open mouth. My heart began pounding; was he proposing to me? He opened a small box and opened it, revealing a beautiful diamond ring.

"Maxwell!" I screamed, my eyes tearing up.

"Chloe, will you marry me?"

"Maxwell! Of course! Yes!" I screamed, tears of joy flowing down my cheeks. He took my hand and carefully placed the ring on my finger. He stood up and we hugged for a while as everyone clapped, then we exchanged a kiss and everyone cheered.

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