XV. Max

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After the fight Isaiah passed out so me and the principal had to carry him in. He was out for almost an hour. A few minutes after he woke up, he asked me out and I said yes.

What was I thinking? I can't go out with him. Not after everything I've been through and how I handle relationships. I don't know what went through my head at that moment, but there's something about him that just draws me in.

I know that this is probably a huge mistake but I can't go back now. Maybe this will be a chance to get to know him, I'm not actually going to date him. It's not like I have feelings for him, because I don't. All the rumors that I've heard about him, people would make fun of me even more.

When my brother came to the school, instead of my dad, I was both shocked and relieved. It turns out that my brother didn't leave the night before he just went to a friends house. I didn't want to see him, but it's better than getting a lecture from my dad.

He didn't look happy when he came inside to talk to the principal but I didn't care because I still don't forgive him for what he did. When he was done, we walked out to the parking lot in silence.

He followed me to my car and when I was about to unlock the door he puts his hand in front of it to stop me. I look at him with an irritated expression and don't say anything.

"You still giving me the silent treatment?" He ask, annoyed. I roll my eyes at him and look away. He sighs and says,
"Why would you get into a fight when your in your situation. I'm grateful the principal decided to give you a warning, but you know this could have turned out way different."

I wish he would believe that I have everything under control, that I can handle myself.  I push his hand away and open my car door. I get in the driver's seat but he grabs the door before I get a chance to close it. I look up at him with a stern look on my face.

"How many times do I have to apologize before you start talking to me again?" He has a serious look and I just look into his eyes for a few seconds. I don't say anything and just slam the door when he takes his hand away.

I start the car and drive away slowly towards the road, leaving him standing there with his guilt.


When I get home I see my dad's car in the driveway and I pull in next to him. Before I get out I sit there and close my eyes, enjoying the silence.

I know I probably shouldn't have punched Bryan, but I couldn't stand there and watch as he beat the crap out of Isaiah. As much as I hate to admit it, I kind of like him.

He doesn't treat me like everyone else, he doesn't call me names or walk on eggshells around me. He may be annoying sometimes, but he's different then I thought.

But all of that doesn't matter, I can't be with him anyway. In all of my passed relationships I always ended up hurting that person mentally. I don't want to do the same to Isaiah, because something tells me he's already hurt.

A loud tap comes from my window and I jump as I look outside. Samantha stands there waving for me to get out. I get out my car and walk towards the house.
"You know, I waited for you at your car but I figured you had to stay after school and just forgot to tell me or something, but I never expected for you to get in a fight." She chuckles like it was the funniest thing she's ever heard.

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