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It hasn't been long since Karisa moved to Japan. I always text her through a messaging app, since I don't have a phone yet. I miss her. All of us do. Me, Alex, Cameron, and Ryan. And she misses us too. Karisa is the first of us to move away. During the summer, when I'm taking band for fun. When school starts after break, a lot of us will be separate. Ryan and I will go to the same school, but Alex will be at a different public school, and Shortstacks to a private.

But it didn't matter to us. We all swore that TheFiveSpirits will be an unbroken friendship. We'll all still communicate and we won't forget about each other. I know it. We can be at different places and not see each other in person for a long time. But we'll stay connected. No matter what life throws at us, TheFiveSpirits will always stay together.

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