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First day of middle school. I'm always nervous about a new school. Luckily only seventh graders will be here today.

Also it's my birthday. Yay, I'm going to turn 12!

I spot Ryan, and I immediately meet up with him. Because he's the person I'm closest to in this place. We talk like it's nothing. Because we're best friends.

I didn't know about the school system too well. Apparently, each grade is split into three "teams". Each team has their own set of teachers. Ryan and I both had math for period 4. But he was in Team 7B. I was in 7C. So we weren't in the same class. Also, many times I was late. I learned in the first day that I needed to walk much faster during passing periods. Luckily, it was okay to be late during the first week.

Ryan and I did meet up at recess, lunch, and after school, along with Daryl, another friend from our elementary school. He was in 7A. But I was happy. I had a little group to hang around. Better than not having any friends.

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