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It's not like it mattered, really, he was just tired and wanting to get home. So when Louis asked him last minute to pick something up from the shops for him, he said sure. That was that.

He wasn't expecting Louis to punch him in the face when he got to his place ten minutes later with what he wanted, and he also wasn't expecting the push back outside and the slam of the door in his face. He hasn't done anything to deserve it, he thinks. He's done what Louis asked of him, and it's not like he was ever unfaithful, so if anything, it's all on Louis' half, whatever he's upset about.

So when he walks home and sees someone sitting on his porch, he's really not in the mood. He makes his way up the few steps to unlock his apartment door when the guy speaks.

"Hey, um. Do you have a phone I can use? If you don't mind." It was dark but Liam could still make out his curly hair pulled back under a beanie. Liam hesitated because, well, he doesn't know the guy. He's never seen him around. Plus, why would he let a strange guy into his apartment?

He must have noticed Liam's expression because he quickly added, "If you don't, that's fine!", but Liam held the door open after him. The boy closed the door after walking in and mentioned thanks.

"It's no problem, really." Liam said while taking his jacket off and hanging it on the back of a chair.

"It's just, my phone just broke and I don't have a house phone. Just moved in next door, the other day." And yeah he might have actually seen him moving stuff in next door but he couldn't be sure.

"Well you're in luck." Liam says, chucking the house phone over. "I'm Liam, by the way."

"Harry. Your neighbour." He smiled, brightly, revealing dimples and Liam would have smiled back but he was extremely exhausted by the long day. "Thanks again. Just gotta call my mum." He chuckles before dialling the number.

Liam nodded and headed into the kitchen turning the kettle on. It was nearly 9 P.M. so a quick tea before bed wouldn't be too bad. And okay, maybe he wanted to hand a cup over to the new guy too, but he blocked it from his mind when he heard the front door open.

"Thanks, again!" Harry called out, before he heard the front door shutting again. And Liam doesn't understand how he can lose two chances in one day.


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