Chapter 2

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My eyes open abruptly as the sudden feeling of a cold wall sends chills all over my body. I groan as I see my mother holding a bright blue bucket with a triumphant smile on her face. Yes mother very funny. You're hilarious. I'm very alert at this point and I get out of my now soaking bed with a huff of annoyance. What a wonderful way to start a ,already expected to be, crappy Monday morning. My grumpiness does nothing to wipe the bright smile she wears on her face.

At this point it's starting to get creepy. Shaking off the uneasy feeling that's creeping through my veins I head to the bathroom to attempt to look like I haven't been run over by a dump truck and spit out in the sewer. I might not care about anyone but that doesn't mean I can't attempt to look good. That's the only thing that I can control in my life at the moment, my body. My mother is still furious about my gold nose ring that I got shortly after Shadow died. She tried to punish me by taking away my phone but it wasn't much of a punishment .No one was trying to call me anyway and I don't use that social media crap that people seem to be obsessed with.

I had enough novels to keep me occupied for a few years. No one reads enough these days. Now it's all abbreviated, fabricated bullshit that no one cares about. Words used to mean something before people decided to attempt to make life easier and people dumber by shortening them. Sighing, I look at my reflection in the slightly dirty mirror. A miserable boy with dull green eyes and dry skin looks back at me. Not surprising since the majority of my existence is abhorring all of the people in the world and enjoying all of the dogs that cross my path. There are only about two people in this whole entire stretch of world that I have been granted access to by the man upstairs that I actually like and can stand being in the same room as them.

One of those people ,that I get to see today, is my World History Two teacher. He's very young, only around twenty-five years old and has an awesome beard. Tattoos curl down his arms and he doesn't even try to cover them up. He also knows ASL which is a relief for me because I can "speak" and he can understand me. Another cool thing is that he doesn't talk to me like I'm stupid. Just because I don't talk doesn't mean that I have suddenly lost the capacity to think like a significantly intelligent human being. People seem to forget that I can hear as well.

Just because they don't think I can hear the ugly things that come spewing out of their mouths doesn't mean that they should say them. It doesn't make it better if the person doesn't know what you're saying about them. In my opinion, it makes someone an even worse of a person. Especially if that person is unnecessarily nice. One pro of the fact that people think I now can't hear is that they say some particularly interesting things in my presence. I know all of the dirt that travels around the school in low whispers around the smaller than they think hallways. Anything scandalous that has been done I know about. It's a great secret super power to have.

" Hurry up in the bathroom kid! You have twenty minutes before I drag you out of there by your hair. I'm not bluffing this time," my mother screams through the door.

Goodness mother, I haven't become deaf. I think she's hanging around her friend from New Jersey too much. Janice is one of the loudest human beings I have ever met other than Sophia Mitchell, the resident slut at my school. I'm not usually one to slut shame, what you do with your body is none of my business. The problem with Sophia is the amount of times it has been made my business when I need to go to the bathroom. I usually walk on her while she's in a very ,let's say limiting, position. It's very awkward since I typically ignore her and the guy of the day as I do what I came to do. Nothing is going to stop me from going to the bathroom. Not even stupid Sophia and her stupid dirty laundry that she lets air out in the bathroom.

I quickly wash my face and brush my teeth before running into my room to put on some clothing. My hair will dry when it wants to so I don't really mess with it too much. My outfit today is fairly simple as usual and consists of a white t-shirt and black Adidas sweatpants with my red converse to add a little bit of color. Before I leave I go up to Shadow's bed and kiss his stuffed polar bear, Snowy, on the forehead. Shadow had a lot of positive qualities but creativity when it comes to names was not one of them. I can almost feel my mother about to scream again so I grab my backpack with all of my materials and completed work so that I can go to mandatory torture. School is fairly easy for me but that doesn't mean that I enjoy it.

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