Chapter 5

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After the horrid session with Oliver I had made my way home only to find my wonderful mother basically being eaten by a man I had never seen before. She was making noises no child should ever hear their own mother make. Noises that would have pre Shadow's death Jonah cringe and rush to cover the younger sibling's ears. A feeling of immense dread fills me and I just can't bring myself to break the disgusting thing I'm seeing with my eyes up.

Currently, I'm in school reliving that disgusting display as the Environment Sciences teacher drones on about plastic. Lunch is right around the corner and based upon the last few days I have figured that the less I interact with actual humans the better off I'll be. I even took the initiative and packed lunch for myself. This way the library is my destination for eating and I can avoid all unnecessary interaction.

Eventually the lunch bell rang and I can feel my eyes roll back into my head. Getting up and trying not to be run over by hungry teenagers I stick close to the wall and hope for the best. Luck and I have never been the best of friends so, as usual, this did not go to plan. A pair of hands comes out of nowhere and start dragging my lighter than most body through the crowd. I would scream but if they would like to murder me then they have my permission.

Once the both of us come to a complete stop I turn around and see Eli looking proud of himself. He scans my body with his one blue and one green eye, smirking as I attempt to look at anything but him. Eventually, I find a nice bucket to look at. The bucket and I stay perfectly still.

"You look absolutely delectable today Jonah. I'm going to enjoy corrupting you, babe."

A predatory smile fills his features as I look up at him and I almost squeak under the intensity of his gaze. Attempting to back away from this confusing boy I manage to trip on a mop laying on the floor and fall painfully backwards. I don't particularly enjoy the way he's looking at me. It's feral, wild even. Suddenly I'm not enjoying the rush of it all anymore. I don't care if he likes me or if he wants to get something out of me at this point, I just want to get out of there. Romance is dead. This isn't romance, this is absolutely terrifying as I attempt to crawl away from him. It's not sexy or hot. The way this is happening the next thing I know I'm going to be forced to do something I'm not ready or willing for.

"Stop trying to run away. No one can hear you scream anyway. They're all at lunch and you're a mute freak. I know you want this. You were all over me the other day. What has changed? I thought you wanted me?" he asks with a playful pout that I know is meant to trick me.

I somehow get the strength to push myself off of the dirty ground and try to run away. Strong hands pull me back and I scramble to push him off me. All of this was a horrible idea. A mistake,a fluke of the imagination, awful idea that will haunt me if I don't get away now. I pray to Shadow if he's up there to give me strength. Pushing back my elbow I try to aim for Eli's face. A loud crunch can be heard as it makes contact with the delicate cartilage of his nose. He groans in pain and I take that opportunity to grab my previously discarded lunch from the floor.

Running at full speed, I gain momentum and head towards the parking lot in an attempt to get away from the school, the people, and the bad memories that lay within it. My chest feels familiar pangs from not running in so long. Fighting through the pain I keep going, my breathing getting more shallow with each step with my lungs screaming at me to stop these actions that it is unaccustomed to. Determined to erase what just occurred I keep running as fast as possible.

When it feels as if my lungs are about to collapse I stop and take a second to soak in my surroundings as my lungs fight to give me the necessary oxygen they need. The day feels warm with a slight breeze to keep the atmosphere from being stifling and unenjoyable. White, wispy clouds that remind me of pieces of cotton float lazily in the sky. Looking down at the ground I realize that I'm in a park. There's no one here and I relish the feeling of having my own little world to inhabit. If only I had my music then this would be perfect.

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