This is the online version of Rosalina's story, complete with pictures and her storybook theme from the game that you can listen to while reading. There's nothing more to it, enjoy! 🌟 🌌❤️
*I do not own any of the characters, the book is from Super...
*For full effect, scroll the image above to find the music for Rosalina's storybook :)
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"The kitchen will go here, and the library will go over there," the girl said busily to herself. "We'll put the gate here."
Ever since the girl took Luma under her care, she'd been bustling about at a feverish pace.
"It's a lot of work, but it's worth it to make a happy home."
It turned out that Star Bits weren't the only things buried in the ice. There were tools and furniture unlike any they had ever seen, and the girl used them to build a home.
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Looking at the completed house, Luma remarked, "Don't you think it's awfully big for just the two of us?"
With a library, bedroom, kitchen, fountain and gate, it was certainly spacious, but still, something seemed to be missing.
"If only my father, brother, and mother were here," the girl said wistfully. Indeed, the house was too large for its two small residents.
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That night, clutching her favourite stuffed bunny close to her heart, the girl fell asleep in the starship.