Raid and Introductions

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~Harry POV~

I sat on the dais in my dark green colored throne next to my mothers while Draco sat in the midnight blue throne that was slightly smaller than mine showing him as the Prince's Consort and my Submissive. We were waiting for the rest of the Death Eaters to pile into the meeting room. I looked over to Draco to see him sitting elegantly with a straight back and one leg crossed over the opposite knee. That was one thing that I absolutely loved about Draco, he carried himself like a proud Submissive and he was. He was able to speak freely but knew when he was to be silent.

Once all the Death Eaters had entered the looks of shock on their faces was prominent once they saw that the Dark Prince had returned and so had his Consort. There was a silence in the hall once my father stood along with my Mother, Draco and I.

"As you all can see my faithful followers our Dark Prince has returned to us along with his Consort,"My Father said motioning toward Myself and Draco. There were cheers from the crowd of Death Eater's but soon died down.

"Tonight my faithful we will be going straight to The Order of Flaming Chickens and driving them out of hiding," He said and soon again the hall was in cheers. Most of the Death Eater's had been dreaming of this for a while. Dumbledore and his pawns had wronged many and this was their time to strike back. I had stepped up ready to speak about the plan we had to draw the Order out of hiding with Draco at my side.

"The hideout of the Order is hidden we will attack the muggle town around it and draw them out. They will not have a choice but to come out to save the filthy muggles" I said watching as the Death Eaters started placing on their masks.

"We will use a portkey to travel so grab onto the person in front of you and hold on tight,"My Mother said as we moved down from the dais and in front of the Inner Circle. I held onto my Mothers elbow and grabbed Draco around the waist letting him wrap his arms around my torso. I watched as my Father held out a black feather for my Mother to take and soon we were all whisked away from the meeting hall and landed in front of 12 Grimmauld Place.

"Have all the fun you want my faithful followers. Tonight is our night to strike The Order where it hurts the most"My Father said watching as all the Death Eaters parted and started attacking the village. Only the Inner Circle stayed with us wanting all the fun. I smirked when I heard my Mothers crazed laugh ring out through the small village.

"Would you like to have some fun Dragon?"I asked pulling him closer to me. With a nod of his head, we separated from the rest of the group and over to the main part of the village.

"The honor is all yours Dragon" I whispered watching as he took out his wand and pointed it toward the buildings. With a whispered Incendio the buildings were alight driving more muggles out of their houses and toward the Death Eaters. When we went back to stand next to my Mother and Father the smell of burning flesh was in the air.

It only took a few minutes for a house to appear between 11 and 13 and Order members to come piling out of the house. Most of them were redheads letting me know that many of my allies were here. This would be the night they would show their true colors. Some of the Order winced as screams rang out through the air.

"Well hello there Dumbledore. Do you like our little show?"My Father asked stepping forward and breaking away from our group with a malicious smile.

"Tom stop this madness you will not win,"Dumbledore said but didn't come forward away from the rest of the Order.

"Oh we are just having a little bit of fun,"My Mother said with a gleeful cackle while some of the others laughed. The screams had stopped by now and the rest of the Death Eater's had returned leaving the smell of burning flesh in the air.

"You people are deranged and evil to think this is fun"Molly Weasley screeched from next to Dumbledore.

"Aw, the little light bitch complemented us"I called out to the Death Eaters as they laughed at the look of outrage on Molly's face.

"And who might you be?"Hermione asked with her know-it-all little voice.

"Oh, I see you met my son The Dark Prince"My Father called laughing at the shocked looks on the Order Members faces.

"What whore did you rape to create that,"Ron asked with a sneer in my direction. I let my magic flare out and lick the side of his face creating a bloodied scar from his right temple to the top of his lip. My mother and the Death Eater's laughed as he screamed in pain. They knew nothing was going to heal the scar seeing as it was my pure magic and not a spell.

"It would be in your best interest to not insult my Mother or Father," I said once the Weasleys screams had died down.

"If any of you would like to join us now you won't die,"My Father said as the Death Eater's stepped closer toward the Order members.

"Like any of us would join you evil bastards. We would r-"Molly hadn't finished he sentence before a few order members had stepped forward and made their way toward our group. The Twins, Bill, Charlie, Percy and Remus now stood next to us facing their previous family. The Weasleys didn't know that the Twins, Bill, Percy, and Charlie had been blood adopted by Lucius and Severus. Or that Fenrir had taken Remus as his cub.

"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING"Molly screeched at her children. They smirked at her watching as she threw a spell in their direction.

"As head of the Weasley house I command you to-" Arthur started but was cut off by Charlie.

"That won't work we aren't apart of the Weasely family anymore," Charlie said dropping his glamour along with his brothers and Remus.

The Twins blue eyes had turned more of a silver and their hair had become a dark blood red with black streaks.

Bill's blue eyes became a dark blue with a black ring and his hair had become lighter.

Charlie, on the other hand, became the complete opposite. His eyes became a light silver and his hair became a cherry red.

Percy now looked like a carbon copy of Lucius except with shorter hair that went a little ways past his shoulders.

"Who would want filthy scum like you"Ginny yelled toward the group.

"That would be us,"Lucius, Severus, and Fenrir said stepping forward, of course, they kept their masks on frustrating the Weasleys even more.

"Well as much as this has been fun we have plans tata," I said grabbing onto the portkey with everyone else.

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