From, cynical part of my brain

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I should probably sleep

I should probably curl up in a ball and let out one of those pained cries my throat has become so fond of emitting as of late


I don’t want to close my eyes

And see the memories we’ve made

Engraved on the back of my eye lids

Reflected on a never ending loop on my corneas

I don’t want to lay down

Because , with the way I feel


I might never get back up

I might just ‘accidentally’ curl up into a ball and die

But maybe

I should eat something

And try

In vain

Too keep my nausea at bay long enough to absorb some nutrients from whatever my eyes don’t perceive as hidden poison today

Maybe I shouldn’t ‘accidentally’  hurl up whatever god forsaken piece of fat causing “food” that has decided to grace my esophagus today

Or maybe

I should look in the mirror every half hour and admire the complete mess that I am

And take detailed notes on how fast I deteriorate so they might find a cure for this whole ‘’love’’ disease after my inevitable passing

Maybe Hold out my arm and wonder at the almost invisible pink scars I have  as one of my only truthful memories of  8th grade

Maybe I should shut my eyes and recall what being safe used to feel like

Maybe I should realize, at some point, that, that’s what I ‘assumed’   safe felt like

Or maybe I should reminisce briefly about all the other encounters with “safe” I’ve had the misfortune of having

Or the people that told they were going to keep me “safe’’

Never hurt me


And daddy


And grandpa

The monster ,

Maybe I shouldn’t have burned the list of people who lied to me

 But, it’s a good thing I did, because it made “accidentally” catching myself with a steak knife way to appealing  

Maybe I should write a really long letter to you and send it this time , maybe I shouldn’t cry over it so hard that it melts into sad little bits of nothing.

Maybe I should take that nice sleep medication my dad bought that I “accidentally”  took more the the recommended dose of so I could stop thinking about  the monsters  hands  sliding around my  seven year old waist , and whispering things  no little girl should hear

Maybe I should forget him

Maybe I should look at him , like everyone else and pretend not to know what I can only assume is his darkest secret , he was in my grade , we go to the same school after all ,  I should just forget him , and elementary school all together

Maybe I should forget the girls who tortured me, by pretending to be my friend, but lied, who showed me that in this world there are only two things


And deception

And both of them gave themselves the name “safe” at some point or another.

That in my hunt for safe I should realize that I’m as crazy as those people who hunt  bigfoot, chase rainbows for a living, and talk to very conversational ghosts for a living.

And people, most people anyway

Because people are monsters

And I am a monster

Made by a monster

Birthed by a monster

Conditioned by a monster to be a monster

And since people are monsters

The nicest thing I can say for my self is that im a monster so , I am a person , kind of.

But , most people hunt for love , or “belonging”

Whatever that means

Some people search for their birth parents , as if they didn’t already know in the front of their minds that when the found them on the floor of some crack house in the deep deep deep deep  south , just waiting for some poor stranger to waltz by and smell deaths awful stench to inquire inside and to call some other “person” to peel them bit by decayed bit off a floor that is forging to even the deceased puddle of goo that donated either sperm or an egg to the noble cause that is bringing another  monster into this world,  a floor that smells like rape and looks like dead hope ,that,that was going to be the second biggest let down ever , after dyeing and going absolutely know where , even after they wasted their  limited Sundays praising , glorifying , and exemplifying a god that allowed things like cancer, malaria , chromes disease, alztimers  disease , internal bleeding  breakable bones  and physical injury , mental and physical disability  into this world , who gave us the relieving gift of intercourse , and then . after all the afore mentioned duchebaggarry and asshollery , had the audacity to tell us who it had to be with, and after that, all of that , allowed STD’s to be a thing.  Yes , people believe in THAT god and go to impossible lengths to find THAT parent ,  only to find a stain on the floor where they stood for the last time.  And all I want is safe

And even that is going to be a let down

 Because , I have watched person after person fall prey to what the search for.

I have watched numerous perceived skilled hunters be taken down by their pray and be proved true imbeciles.

That , when I do actually find something that looks like safety , ill be proven the imbicile I am.

That the world will see the skilled hunter I am not


Some child of mine will come searching for me

And find me

In a puddle of blood

Dead eyes still crying from the letdown that is finding anything that we search for

And then they will call some other poor soul to clean what is left of me out of the floor like a period stain out of your favorite panties

And they will hunt like me

For something different

Maybe not safe

Maybe a better version of me

I don’t know

But at the very end , someone will be calling someone else to peel  them off the floor, scrub them out of the curtains and paint over what’s left of them on the walls.

But maybe, I should just go to sleep

Changing the sheets was always easier anyway 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2014 ⏰

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