(Strictly my opinion from experience I know it's a majority of guys in this world and sorry for the cursing. Doesn't apply to all guys.)
Ok so guys, first off why do you think being an asshole gets you the ladies? It doesn't. All you have to do is just be yourself and if it doesn't work out it doesn't work out. Nothing gained but hey, nothing lost either. Secondly, why do you only want one thing? Girls are more than just our bodies. We like to be caressed, taken care of, sung to, etc etc. So why will you break up with a girl if you don't get what you want. We're not toys. Why do you cheat with someone lower than your S.O.? It's just not right. Why do you get jealous so easily? Not every man is after your girl. Yeah she may be spectacular but sometimes they're just her friends. Why do you run when the going gets tough? Why will you just give up and not fight for the one that you supposedly "love" so much and hold closely? Why do you give empty promises one day you'll say "I wanna marry you", "I love you", "Let's be together forever." All that BS and then the day after that the, freakin DAY AFTER THAT you'll say "I've fallen for someone else." And why the HELL do you break up through text. It's demeaning, it's disrespectful, and it's downright lazy. At least make effort to show that you cared for the relationship. Instead of just "Stay dandy" know what I say? I say "Fuck you."
RandomJust me talking about my views and stuff. And hopefully they'll pick someone off the ground and give them hope again. <3 And if you want any background as to how I was or what was going on at that time feel free to ask me.