(Okay so, this one is an optimistic/pessimistic one)
You may be hurting. You may be alone on the outside. You can escape to the world within your dreams. Where you rule the land. However the demons there are stronger. Bigger. Harder to get rid of and ignore. So will you crumble to the ground like a coward?!? Will you give up and let an outside force rule your heart?!? Will you grab your blade and rip your skin? Will you tie that rope around your neck? Will you load that gun with those bullets? Will you take those pills? Will you say goodbye? Or will you turn the tables and fight for yourself?!? Fight your demons!!!! You will make it out alive. Free. With a smile. And be at peace. Rule those demons and make them yours to do with as you wish!!!! You are strong!!!! Not alone!!!! Not afraid!!!! You are not broken!!!!
However.... You cannot break what was already broken.... cannot take what was already taken.... Those who smile hide a million tears. Those who laugh the most hold the most pain. Those who love the truest knows truest heartbreak. Why do we hide? Because we refuse to bring those we love down with us. We refuse to let them see our demons. Refuse to let them take over them as well. So we put on our masquerade party. Wear fake smiles. Dry our tears. And laugh for awhile. But when you leave us thinking that we're "just fine." That is when we need you the most. When we are alone we cry. We cry in silence. We show our true pain. And we stop lying....
RandomJust me talking about my views and stuff. And hopefully they'll pick someone off the ground and give them hope again. <3 And if you want any background as to how I was or what was going on at that time feel free to ask me.