Long Weekend

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Rainbow's POV

My job paid very high for a side-job, but its pretty hard for some people... for me its kinda easy and hard so... normal, I guess. So for the weekend, we will go to a hotel.

Draco's POV

So we were going to a place called Marco Polo (Actual hotel). It is a fancy hotel and we are lucky Rainbow has a high-paying job

We will be staying here for three whole nights, which makes it four days of us staying there.

Funneh's POV

We are going to a hotel! I am so excited... my most abundant element is water and there's a pool there. We still don't know what Lunar's main/most abundant power or element is.

"You guys packed?" Rainbow asked turning to the rest of us and we all replied with "Yep!" "I'll drive us there, let's go!" Draco exclaimed, during the 2 hour trip, Draco, Lunar and I fell asleep

Rainbow's POV

"WE'RE HERE!" I shouted at the three in the back, "WHAT THE WHAT!?" they said at the same time. Yes! It WAS loud enough! I pat myself on the back for that, Gold and I just laughed at their surprised yet sleepy faces. "Hey! Its not funny!" the blueberry huffed, Draco backed us up with "It kinda was." After waking herself up, Lunar said "Yeah Funneh, admit it!" "Fine, it was." Funneh said and we all laughed together.

We register in and is given our room keycard, we went to our room and got inside, "Let's unpack real quick then plan." I suggested and the four just agreed. It took a few minutes to unpack because SOMEONE was clumsy, I'm not telling who but they know who they are. "So... what are we doing first?" Draco asked "Swimming?" Typical Funneh... We said yes, then Draco ran towards the bathroom, grabbing his trunks and rash guard along the way and saying "I GOT THE BATHROOM!" and got out in like 10 seconds "Done!" I rolled my eyes at my twin and said "Funneh, Lunar, you guys change in the bathroom while me and Gold will change in our rooms." Draco was in the living room and when we were all done I said that we should head out, Funneh was impatient and complained that we should go faster. Gold looked at her "Fine Blueberry..." she said with a smirk "DON'T CALL ME THAT!" Funneh said somewhat whining "Is someone upset?" Gold teased, Lunar just went in between them and stood there which stopped them. "Let's go! But Funneh... don't do what you did last time" Draco warned, Funneh defended herself with "It was accidental! " "Its okay, she has her magic in control." Gold ensured. Draco reluctantly agreed.

Draco's POV

We swam until 6 then I said that we should go out for dinner and who can turn that down? Not my family! We went back to the room to shower and get changed, Lunar called shotgun while running towards the car. "No fair!" Funneh said pouting, Gold cooed at the two and Rainbow and I were just saying how cute they were, Funneh's pout and Lunar's smile, they both huffed at us three and we still cooed at their matching expressions.

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